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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Date: October 3, 2003 <br /> <br />To: 35W Coalition Community Development Committee <br /> <br />RE: 2020 Subregional Growth Study Implementation Strategies <br /> <br />This memo outlines two ideas for grant projects that would implement the Growth Study's <br />recommendation that Coalition cities plan for and encourage development of mixed-use centers, <br />The strategies are intended to remove barriers for developers and to ensure that communities <br />realize mixed-use development that is walkable, offers the range of housing and transportation <br />choices, and incorporates environmental best practices. Communities are using these strategies <br />as first steps to attract developers while at the same time initiating changes in suburban <br />development patterns. We suggest discussing them at the October 9 meeting. Discussion topics <br />might include: <br />· Clarification of what the purpose of the projects and respective scopes <br />. Prospects for local cities implementing project recommendations <br />· Next Steps <br /> <br />Coalition Growth Audit <br />"Audits" are systematic reviews of existing comprehensive and other plans, policies, <br />regulations, and practices for consistency with accepted growth principles, (Coalition growth <br />principles are consistent with many of the principles that fall under the planning terms: "livable <br />community" or "smart growth," The national models gathered for purposes of this discussion use <br />the tenn Smart Growth in the titles. I realize the Coalition has chosen not to use this tenn, but <br />these models seem to be good starting points because they are consistent with larger Coalition <br />growth goals and they are adaptable to local preferences and needs.) <br />Cities typically use audit results in two ways: 1) if plans are found consistent with <br />growth principles, actual practices are then reviewed and either changed, implemented and <br />monitored or simply implemented and monitored; and 2) if plans, policies, and regulations are <br />inconsistent, recommended changes are addressed and then actual practices are reviewed, <br />changed, if necessary, then implemented and monitored, If the Coalition does not want to <br />engage in such a rigorous audit, it could modify the audit scope as appropriate, <br />The Coalition has already completed or initiated work that would support a subregional <br />audit-Jason's preliminary review of all seven comp plans, the housing and demographics study <br />by John and Janne, the code enforcement work led by Nancy, the soon-to-be completed peer <br />review of housing programs, and, as always, the work of the GIS task force, <br />A booklet about audits is attached to this memo, It includes background information, <br />practical considerations, a recommended audit checklist with commentary, and references. <br />There also is a 2002 APA publication, Smart Growth Audits by Jerry Weitz and Leora Waldner, <br />which has similar infonnation and a checklist with additional commentary, <br />