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<br />. <br /> <br />Memorandum <br />March 3, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />1. Public Education and Outreach <br />This measure focuses on informing and educating the public on storm water pollution <br />prevention measures and awareness on the adverse effect pollution and toxins have on the <br />water bodies and environment. This will include newsletters, brochures, utility stuffers, and <br />other forms of information propagation. The Arden Hills website will become a major <br />source of information pertaining to the SWPPP. The City will hold an annual SWPPP review <br />meeting, in conjunction with City Council meeting, to update residents on the status of the <br />SWPPP and ask for input on further improving the SWPPP. School curriculum will be <br />examined and additional storm water pollution prevention awareness will be introduced. <br /> <br />2. Public Participation and Involvement <br />This measure is to develop public interest and involvement in a number of programs aimed at <br />enhancing or sustaining the storm water system. One example will be the storm drain- <br />stenciling program that will label all storm drains in the City. This is intended to make aware <br />to people, who are illegally dumping toxins and other harmful substances, that these poisons <br />will eventually flow into the environment. The City will also promote an "adopt-a-drain" <br />program. This program has been completed in other communities and is intended to promote <br />a sense of ownership of a drain, or series of drains, and encourage awareness of the storm <br />water system. The adoptees will be responsible to ensure the drains remain unplugged and <br />report any damage or visual evidence of illicit substances being dumped into the drain. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />3. Illicit Discharge, Detection, and Elimination <br />This measure is geared to eliminate toxic discharges into the natural water bodies. This will <br />be carried out by scheduled inspections of outfalls and grit chambers for signs of unnatural <br />conditions. Residences and businesses will be informed on the harmful effects dumping <br />certain chemicals' and materials will have to the environment. A program will be set up to <br />detect illicit discharges and measures for correction. Businesses and homeowners will be <br />made aware of potential illicit discharges and consequences for non-compliance. Another <br />measure that will be taken to further warn the public on illicit discharges will be 'no <br />dumping' signs. These will be placed at locations that will be determined, by City staff, <br />related to areas that have received garbage or other waste in the past. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control <br />This measure will ensure proper erosion control during construction. Silt and other <br />pollutants from construction sites can cause physical, chemical, and biological harm to water <br />bodies, eventually requiring dredging and destroying aquatic habitats. In order to prevent <br />such an action, the following program will be implemented and enforced on any construction <br />activities that result in a land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre. The City of <br />Arden Hills already enforces a permit for construction activities. In the future this permit will <br />continue to be enforced and contractors that do not comply will be faced with sanctions or <br />some type of disciplinary action. Construction inspection will playa roll in ensuring <br />contractors are abiding by the erosion control regulations. Periodic visual inspections of <br />outfall areas, especially those down stream of construction areas, will be conducted to inspect <br />for increase sedimentation. <br />