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<br />. <br /> <br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br />LG215 Lease for Lawful Gamblin Activi <br />Ciy <br />fldlF A-vd-u..tLs <br />Ciy <br /> <br />8/03 <br />Page 1 oH <br /> <br />Name of lege I owner of premises <br />LoA <br /> <br />Street address <br /> <br />Slate <br />IttJ <br /> <br />Zip Daytime phone <br /><J!:/I z.... ts { -t,5{, -<fJ <br />Zip Daytime phone <br /> <br />Id."'-" i () W <br />Name of Ie r Street address <br />(If same as legal owner, write in -SAMEj <br />'7 A-HF <br />Name of leased premises Slreetaddress Ciy Zip Daylimephone <br />tf,-GUIV~S t?x:<v+bnti/:l..O(1J) f{J.& ;ftvd(}A4r)./tl hlJ 55il2 cPr:; -h"7t--'fIZ3 <br />Namp: of lessee (organization leasing the premises) Organization license number Daytime phone <br />hi Jd- "Bn ;TIAC- t!';J.8''-Ir "~/-&"'3~-/ <br />Rent Information <br />(fur activity involving puil-tabs, tipboar<ls, paddlewheels, and puil-tab dispensing devices. No lease required for raffles.) <br />Booth operation - sa5es d gambUng equIpment by an emp&oyee (or Bar uv-~ ~ sales of gamblng equipment wIhIn it teased <br />volunteer) d a lltensed organization within a separate endosure that Is premises by an ~ of the lessor from a common a~ lI"II1:Bt!: <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~--------, <br />Does your organization OR _yother organization conduct gambOng <br />fmma___nllt_IoClOllon? ~Yes _No .J <br />L____________________________________ <br />If you answered yes to the question above, rentiimitsare lfyou answered no tothequestion above, rent "mits are <br />based on the foilowing combinations of opemtion: based m the _ng contJjnalionsof ope. aoo.,: <br />Booth operation Bar operation <br />Booth operation and pull-tab dispensing device Bar operation with pull-tab dispensing device <br />Booth operation and bar operatim Pull-tab dispensing device only <br />Booth operation, bar operation, and pul~tab dispensing device <br /> <br />Slate <br /> <br /> <br />The maximum rent allowed may not exceed $1,750 in <br />total per month for ail organizationS at this premises. <br /> <br />The maximum rent ailowed may notexceed $2,000 In <br />total per month for ail organizat:iens atthis premiseS. <br /> <br />Complete one option: <br />Option A: 0 to 20% of the gross profits per month. <br />Percentage to be paid % <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Complete one option: <br />Option A: 0 to 10% of the gross profits per month. <br />Percenlagetobepaid .. 10 % <br /> <br />Option B: WIlen gross prolits are $4,000 or less per month, $0 to Option B: When gross profits...e $1,000 or less per month, $OlD <br />$400 per month may be paid. Amount to be paid $ $200 per month may be paid. Amountto be paid $ <br /> <br />Option C: $0 to $400 per month may be paid on the first $4,000 <br />of gross profit. Amount lD be paid $ . Plus 0% to <br />10% Of the gross profits may be paid per month on gross profits <br />over$4,OOO. Percentage to be paid _% <br /> <br />Option C: $0 to $200 per month may be paid on the first $1,000 <br />ofgrossproflts. Amounttobepald.$ . PlusO%to <br />20% of the gross profits may be paid per month on gross profits <br />over$l,ooO. Percentagetobepaid__% <br /> <br />Bingo and/or Bar Bingo Ocleasions <br />Rent for bingo and all other gambling activities <br />conduc\ed during a bingo occasion may not exceed: <br />. $200 per occasion for up to 6,000 square feet <br />. $300 per occasion for up to 12,000 square feet <br />. $400 per occasion for more than 12,000 square feet <br />. $25 per occasion for ber bingo conducted at any time in a <br />bar (regardless of square footage). Your organization <br />must conduct another form of lawful gambling, and the <br />premises must serve intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent <br />malt beverages. <br />Rent to be paid per bingo occasion $ <br /> <br />NOTE: If there are any otherterms orconditions for rent-related Oreck aD actiYitiesthatwU be c:ooducted: <br />expenses, they must be identified on page 2 uncler Acl<nowledgment }LPull-tabs _Pull-tabs with dispensing devite <br />of Lease Terms and are su' to Board a I. l1pboarrls Paddl....neel Paddlewheel with table <br />Rent Infonnatlon: Bingo <br />Noon Hour Bingo Occasions <br />Rent may not exceed $25 per day for noon hour <br />bingo conducted between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at a <br />premises with a license for the sale of intoxicating <br />beverages on the premises. <br /> <br />Rent to be paid per bingo occasion $ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Amended <br />Lease <br />Only <br /> <br />r--------------, <br />for....y new bingo activity not previously <br />I included in a Premises Permit App6cation, I <br />I attach a separate.heet of paper listing the I <br />day. and hours that bingo win be conducted. <br />L J <br />If this \San amended lease showing changes occurring dunng the term of the current premises pernit, both parties <br />that signed the lease must initial and date an changes. Changes must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board <br />at lea.t 10 cloys prior to the change. Write in the date that the changes will be effective ---1---1_. <br /> <br />Lessor Date Organization Date <br />