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<br />8/03 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />. The lessor, the Iessor's immediate family, and anVagents or <br />employeesofthe lessor will not require the organization to <br />perform any action that would violate statute or rule. <br /> <br />. If there is a dispute as to whether any of these lease provisions <br />have been violated, the lease will remain in effect pending a final <br />d~ination by the Compliance Review Group (mG)ofthe <br />Gambling Control Board. <br /> <br />.1hele5sorsllall notroodifyorl>!rminatelhis lease In _ orin <br />part due to the lessors vielaaon of the provisions listed in this <br />lease. <br /> <br />LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity <br /> <br />Acknowledgment of Lease Terms <br />All obligations and agreements are contained in or attached to this lease. I affirm that the lease information is the tDtaI and only <br />agreement between the re..or and the organizatkn. '!here Is no other agreement and no other considerotion required between the <br />parties as to the lawful gambling and other matters related Ix> the lease. My changes in this lease win be submitted Ix> the Gambling <br />Coo1rot Board at least 10 days prior Ix> the effective date of the change. <br />Other Terms or condftlons: <br />E"1-4,ev p(tv~~ ""-"-"1, <br />WI (ao <br /> <br /> <br />Lease Tenn - The term oflhis lease agreement will be <br />conaJrrent with the premises permit issued by the Gambling <br />Control Board (Boartl). <br /> <br />Management of Gambling Prohibited -1he owner of the <br />premises or the lessor will not manage the conduct of gambling <br />at the premises. <br /> <br />Partidpation as Players Prohibi_ - The lessor; the lessor's <br />immediate family, and any agentsorgambUng employees of the <br />lessor will net participate as players in the conduct of lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br /> <br />Illegal Gambling <br />. The lessor is aware of the prohibition against ,legal gambling <br />in Minnesota Statutes 609.75, and thepenafties foriUegal <br />gambling violations in Minnesota Rules 7ll61.0050, Subpart 3. <br /> <br />. To the best of the le5sor's knowledge, the Ie5sor affirms that <br />any and all games or devices located on the premises are not <br />being used, and are not capable of being used, in a manner <br />that violates the prohibitions against illegal gambling in <br />Minnesota Sl>ltutes 609.75, and the penalties for illegal <br />gambling vielations in Minnesota Rules 7ll61.oo50, Subpart 3. <br /> <br />. _standing Minnesota Rules 7861.0050, Subpart 3, an <br />organization must continue making rent payments, pursuant <br />to the terms of the lease, if the organization or its agents are <br />found to be soleIV responsible forany Illegal gambling conducted <br />at that site that is prohibited by Minnesota Rules 7861.0050, <br />Subpart 1, or Minnesota Statutes 609.75, unless the <br />organization's agents responsible forthe illegal gambling <br />acthIlty are also agents or emp/oyees of the lessor. <br /> <br />.1he lessor shall not roodify or _nate the lease in Wloie or <br />In part because the organization reported to a state or local <br />law enforcement authority or the Board the OCCtnence at the <br />_ ofillegal gambling activity in which the organizalion did oot <br />participate. <br /> <br />oth..-Prohibitions <br />. The lessor wiN net impose I esb i<.tiu. Co on the organization wth <br />respect to providers (distributors) of gambling-related equipment <br />and services or in the use of net profits for lawful purposes. <br /> <br /> <br />])A-V~ GU <br />Print name and We of Jessor <br /> <br />Eft <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />__ Process -1he \e$or agrees to arbitration v.!len a <br />viaalion of these lease provislons Is alleged.1he a"- shall be <br />the CRG. <br /> <br />Access to .... ..dltlOd """"""'" - The Board and its agents, the <br />c:ommissioners of revenue and public safety and their agents, and <br />law enforcement personnel have access to the permitted premises <br />at any reasonable time during the business hours of the 1e5sor. <br /> <br />1he organization has access to the permitted premises during any <br />time reasonable and v.t1en necessary for the conduct of lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br /> <br />Lessor records -TIle lessor shall maintain a record ofall money <br />recelved fi'om the organization, and makethe record available to <br />the Board and its agents, and the c:ommissioners of revenue and <br />public safety and their agents upon demand. The recon:I shall be <br />maintained for a period of ~ 1/2 years. <br /> <br />Rent a__e - Amounts paid as rent by the organization to <br />the \e$or are alHnclusive (except bingo rent). No other selVices <br />provided or c:ontracted by the lessor may be paid by the <br />organization, including llutoot 6mited to trash relDOllal, janitorial <br />and deaning services, snow removal, lawn services, efer:tJidty, <br />heat, sec:urity, security monitoring, storage, <ther utilities or <br />serviceS, and in the case of bar operations, compensation fa- cash <br />shortages. My other expenditures made by an organization that Is <br />related to a leased premises must be approved by the director of <br />the Gambling Control Board. Rent payments may not be made to an <br />individual. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~V;,. <br /> <br />w (-l.L..OtL-r- <br /> <br />lG e.. ; <br />t#- 3 -"1-0'1 <br />ignatUr9 of organization official (lessee) Date <br />Ibnaid W ilet.J/l-r~ <br /> <br />Print name and title of lessee <br /> <br />Questions on this form should be directed Ix> the Urensing Section of the Gamblin9 Control Board (Board) at 651~. <br />This publicalion win be made available in altemative format (I.e. large print, Braille) upon request. U yoo use a TTY, you <an <br />can the Board by using the Minnesda Relay 5eJV!ce and ask !Xl place a call to 651-639-4OllO. The .,folT..all,'" requesII!d on <br />this form wi" become public information when received by the Board, and will be used to determine your compliance with <br />Minnesota statutes and rules governing lawful gambUng activities. <br /> <br />. <br />