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<br />e <br /> <br />parts is the Brooklyn Park facility and that location would have the parts that are not as <br />commonly needed. <br /> <br />Planning Commissioners: Is the parking sufficient to handle the use? <br />Staff: Proven Force would occupy one of three spaces currently occupied by Sanus <br />Systems. While the applicant's lease does not specifY a cerIa in numher of parking spaces <br />for the use, the current parking spaces appear 10 he sufficient. <br /> <br />Subsequent to the meeting staff has reviewed the site plans and confirmed that 81 striped <br />parking spaces are shown on the site plan which was submitted to the City. An aerial <br />photograph of the propcrty from 2003 (attached) indicates approximately 52 cars parked <br />in the lot at that time and 3 trucks at loading docks. The aerial also shows that of those <br />cars parkcd at the time ofthe photograph, only 26 of the 58 spaces in front ofthc building <br />(therefore 26 parked behind or on the side ofthe building; 23 in spaces shown on the plan <br />and 3 illegally parked). Staff has also confirmed that the construction of the service bay <br />doors will not remove any parking spaces from the plan. Furthermore, if the entire <br />property was analyzed using the 'Other Business and Industry' parking standard (which <br />would require II spaces for the applicants proposed use) and taking lI8 of the parking <br />spaces that are shown on the plan; then the number you would come up with would be <br />approximately II parking spaces. Staff believes that this confirms the parking for the site <br />should be adequate to support the applicant's proposed use. <br /> <br />. Special Use Permit Document <br /> <br />Staff has attached a copy of Special Use Permit 04-08. Copies of the document have been <br />forwarded to the applicant, and the applicant has been asked to have the property owner also <br />review the document. The applicant has indicated that he is comfortable with the Special Use <br />Permit. <br /> <br />Planninl! Commission Findinl!s and Recommendation <br /> <br />Findings <br /> <br />At their April 7, 2004 meeting the Planning Commission reviewed this case and made the <br />following findings: <br /> <br />"The Council has considered the effect of the proposed special use upon the health, <br />safety, convenience and general welfare ofthe owners and occupants of the surrounding <br />land, in particular, and the community as a whole and have found that the proposed <br />special use would not adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood and larger <br />community as per the factors as listed in Section 8, D, 3, b of the Zoning Ordinance" <br />(also listed above in section 1). <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />N:IPlanning Cases\2004\04-0S Proven Force SUP (PENDING)\04-12-04 CC Report.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br />