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<br />Alternative 2 - Rcarrange thc time allowed incrcase the amount of time bctwccn Master and <br />Final Plan; Limit thc process to one extcnsion; proccss not to exceed 30 months <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~~ ..~ <br />Master Plan Extcnsion (optional) Final Plan Total Time <br />12 Months 6 Months 12 Months 30 Months <br /> <br />Altcrnative 3 - Rearrange thc time allowed, giving more time between Master and Final Plans; <br />Eliminate the possibility for an extension; process not to cxceed 24 months <br /> <br />Master Plan Final Plan Total Time <br />12 Months 12 Months 24 Months <br /> <br />Alternative 4 - Rearrange the time allowed; Cap the number of extensions to I extension of 6 <br />months; process not to cxcced 24 months <br /> <br />Master Plan Extcnsion (optional) Final Plan Total Time <br />6 Months 6 Months 12 Months 24 Months <br /> <br />Alternative 5 - Rearrangc the time allowed, giving more time betwcen Mastcr and Final Plans; <br />Cap the numbcr of extcnsions to 1 extcnsion of 6 months; decrease timc from Final Plan to <br />Building Pcrmit; process not to cxcced 24 months <br /> <br />Master Plan Extension (optional) Final Plan Total Timc <br />12 Months 6 Months 6 Months 24 Months <br /> <br />Altcrnativc 6 - Make one of the above changes but kcep Sccnario B (from page 2) to handle <br />large scale, multi~phased, Mastcr Planned projccts (i.c. Guidant, Bethel, etc.) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Requested Action <br /> <br />Staff would rccommcnd that the Council discussion revolve around what a fair amount oftimc is <br />for handling the Master and Final Plan process and whcther the current proccss is adcquate or <br />whethcr changes need to bc instituted. <br /> <br />\\Earth\Plarming\Fonns\07-22-04 Council Memo - Timclines for Master and Final PUDs.doc <br /> <br />Page 3 of3 <br /> <br />4t <br />