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<br />" <br /> <br />. Proiections <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The City has historically performed well in building department revenue despite its population <br />size due to its rather large corporate and business basc located within the City. The City employs <br />more people than rcsidc in Ardcn Hills, and duc to its location in the Metro area is continually <br />looked at by new businesses. With the continued growth of Guidant corporation and other <br />businesses located in Arden Hills, along with the continued progress of the TCAAP <br />dcvclopmcnt, the City is positioned to experience strong building and construction growth for <br />years to come. <br /> <br />Summary <br /> <br />The building department has historically been understaffed, resulting in being reactive, not <br />proactive. Pcrmits continue to remain open when no final is callcd for due to lack of staff time to <br />follow up. Corrcction ordcr follow up timcs continuc to build when contractor does not call for <br />inspection. Record keeping and organization continues to be delayed due to lack of stafftime. <br />Building Dcpt. staff responds to issues as they arise, with no time to follow thru completely with <br />issues and/or projects. <br /> <br />Request <br /> <br />Staff requests the position of building inspector to be increased to full time. With the halftime <br />position agreement coming to a close with Lake Johanna by increasing their inspector position to <br />full time, and in light of the City's continual need for additional staffto adequately do there job, <br />the need becomes even more pressing. In viewing the Cities revenue from licensing and permits <br />( The above tables do not reflect additional revenue sourccs from Iiccnsing and administrative <br />record keeping) and with building department revenue to provide for adequate inspection, plan <br />review, interpretation, and code enforcement, staff feels the request is not only reasonable but <br />needed. Please review the above infoffilation and notifY staff if you shall need additional <br />information or clarification. <br />