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<br />Required inspection totals <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> Permit Type # of permits Required inspections I Total inspections <br /> Year 02 03 Year 02 03 <br /> Decks 26 31 3 78 93 <br /> - -------- ---- <br /> Demolition 1] II I ]1 ]1 <br /> ---- <br /> Driveway 29 25 ] 29 25 <br />- --- -- <br /> Mobile home 1] 8 2 22 16 <br /> Fencc ]6 l6 ] 16 16 <br /> ,---------- <br />Commercial New 1 4 ]2* 12 48 <br /> - <br />Commercial Remodel 49 57 12* -- 588 684 <br />Rcsidential New 7 5 7 49 35_ <br />Residential Remodel 77 9l 6 462 546 <br /> Roofing 87 71 2 174 142 <br /> Siding 26 23 2 52 . - 46 <br /> -'~- <br />-- Windows 57 65 1 57 65 <br />Com!. Mechanical l4 38 3 42 l]_~ <br />Resid. Mechanical 177 218 2 354 436 <br /> Com!. Plumb 13 26 5 65 130_ <br /> Resid. Plumb 89 85 3 267_ 255 <br />Fire supprcssion 46 44 2 92 88 <br /> ._---~-- <br /> Watcr & sewer 1] 34 3 33 ]02 __ <br /> Total 747 852 NA 2,403 2,~5~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />* denotcs estimated number of inspections <br /> <br />Taking the total number of inspections for 2002, (2,403) and multiplying that number by .5 <br />(reprcsenting one half hour for each inspcction), equals 1 ,20 1.5 hours required to complete those <br />inspections. Doing the same for 2003, (2,852) equals l,426 hours required to complete thosc <br />inspections. <br />Again, this table represcnts the actual number of permits issued, but the total number 0 f <br />inspections is estimation. Some permits may rcquire fewer inspections, but other inspcctions <br />may rcquire many more inspections, such as a large commercial job may have as many as 30 <br />footing inspections alone. <br />Another responsibility of the building department is plan review required on all permits resulting <br />in stmctural changes, changes in use or adding additional space. Plan reviews may take as little <br />as ] 5 minutes to complete, or up to over 40 hours for largc commcrcial projects <br /> <br />The building departmcnt is also responsible fix all code enforcement issues in the City, counting <br />for approximately half of Eric's time. <br /> <br />. <br />