<br />The District will lose more school-aged children
<br />than the county or state.
<br />T.OOI District's child-pef-household ratio is expected to
<br />d e more than the county or state's between 2000 and 2010.
<br />The reasons? The District has a higher percentage of middle-aged
<br />resid,nts whose households are likely to "empty nest" this decade,
<br />In oddition, births in Ramsey County have fallen dramatically.
<br />
<br />Child-per-household ratio
<br /> 2000 2010 Change
<br />Minnesota 0.54 0.45 ~16.7%
<br />Ramsey County 0.51 0.43 -15.7%
<br />Mounds View
<br />Public Schools 0.44 0.35 -20.5%
<br />
<br />These projections consider:
<br />Type and costs of housing units
<br />. Number of empty nests as Baby Boomers age
<br />
<br />Source 2000 Census and projections made in 2002 by the
<br />Minnesota State Demographer
<br />
<br />"Iunds View's enrollment is negatively
<br />cted by two factors - the decrease
<br />in Ramsey County births and increased
<br />competition. Further, the age structure
<br />and past behavior suggest a 'settled'
<br />population, which is likely to age in place?'
<br />
<br />_ Demographer's report, December 2003
<br />
<br />Middle aged,
<br />well educated
<br />and settled.
<br />
<br />Population characteristics
<br />of District residents
<br />
<br />
<br />Age
<br />The District's population is older than
<br />in Ramsey County and even slightly older
<br />than in Minnesota as a whole. Median age is especially
<br />high in North Oaks, Shoreview and New Brighton.
<br />The District's proportion of youth (under 18 years) tends
<br />to be lower than the state and county prop~rtioJ1s, especially
<br />in Arden Hills and New Brighton.
<br />
<br />Education
<br />The District's adults are especially well educated. A mucb
<br />higher proportion of adults have at least a bachelor's degree
<br />in Arden Hills, New Brighton, North Oaks, Shoreview and
<br />Roseville. Women with higher levels of .education tend to have
<br />fewer children.
<br />
<br />Movement
<br />
<br />North Oaks, Shoreview and Arden Hills have very "settled"
<br />populations. Only Mounds View and New Brighton have
<br />movement comparable to Ramsey County. This suggests
<br />student turnover will be modest.
<br />
<br />Source: 2000 Census, with analysis by Hazel Reinhardt
<br />Consultmg Services, December 2003
<br />
<br />Fewer students, fewer dollars. As enrollment declines, so does revenue.
<br />
<br />Mounds View Public Schools
<br />General Fund Financial Projection (Unreserved)
<br />
<br />2000-0.1
<br />
<br />2001-02
<br />
<br />2002-03
<br />
<br />Revenue $81.608,951 $82,710,682 $84,688.693 $81,158,385
<br />Expenditure $83,235,314 $83.475,336 $82,197,955 58~,129.4n
<br />Difference ($1.626,363) ($764.654) $2,490,738 $28,914
<br />Beg. Fund Galance $507,583 ($1.118,780) 1$1.883.434) $607,304
<br />Ending Flmd Balance ($1.118,780) 1$1.883.434} $607,304 $636.218
<br />
<br />:2004-05** 2005--06* * 2006-07** 2007..o8"*:~
<br />S82,734,410 579.227,383 S76,590.697 572,963,814
<br />582,734.4~O 584.105,270 $85,446,302 586,508,860
<br />$0 1$4.877 .887) ($8.855,605) ($13,545,046)
<br />$636.218 $636,218 ($4.241,669) ($13,097.274)
<br />$636.218 ($4.241.669) ($13,097.274) ($26.642,320)
<br />
<br />;2Q03..o4 *
<br />
<br />..eel ~*Proposp.d
<br />
<br />S Rve Year Financial Projection.
<br />MOllrlds View Public Schools
<br />
<br />These projections reflect:
<br />A projected enrollment decline.
<br />No increase in state aid.
<br />
<br />August 2004
<br />
<br />Revenue received from the
<br />voter-approved levy effective
<br />2004-05 and beyond,
<br />
<br />Inflationary increases of 2.5 percent
<br />in tiscal year 2004 and beyond.
<br />