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<br />. April 23, 2005 <br /> <br />Plan Commission Membcrs <br />City of Arden Hills <br /> <br />This relates to Planning Case 05-12, the Office Park proposed to be on the former <br />city hall and maintenance facility site, 1440-1450 Highway 96. <br /> <br />Arden Hills North Homes Association (AHNJlA) represents the 140-unit <br />townhomes situated directly south of and adjacent to the proposed development. Our <br />residents and Board of Dircctors are not opposed to an office park on the sitc ifit is <br />consistent in both letter and spirit with the applicable NB zoning. However, we have <br />serious reservations about the initial proposal as discussed at the neighborhood <br />informational meeting on April 19, and understand that it will be substantially modified <br />prior to prescntation at a hearing on June I. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Accordingly, we arc listing those reservations at this time based on the initial <br />proposal as we now know it. Wc understand that a modified proposal would be available <br />for our inspection in mid May prior to your meeting on June I, and are planning to <br />present further comments to you then. In addition, many of our 140 resident families may <br />wish to comment indcpcndently in writing or verbally at the meeting, along with others <br />residing on Arden View Court (Townhouse Villages of Arden Jlills Association) and on <br />Keithson Drive, as well as the management of Children's World. <br /> <br />Among other steps taken to assess the probable impact of the proposed office <br />p::rk, we have toured and photographed a similar development by Royal Oak Realty in <br />Lakeville having similar building likely using the same or very similar plans. <br /> <br />1} Of.thet\'<0 the_pr9pe~Y{),n:.Hj_gh\~r:lY ,Of., <br />Avenue is of the most conccm. Traffic entering or leaving from or to the north must cross <br />two lanes of traffic already congested at times; the same applies to entering from the <br />south, while exiting to the soutb much of the time requires breaking into a line of traffic. <br />We already experience this a short distance further south at Arden View Drive, but the <br />proposed new entrance/exit will be worse due to its proximity to the Hamline-96 <br />interscction. The County traffic engineer must be consulted and permits issued for such <br />an entrance or exit. <br /> <br /> <br />2) The casement from Hamline A venuc is on a hillside. If a driveway is located in <br />it, how would the area above and below it be graded or retained to prevent erosion? <br />Where will tbe drainage go? And will thc edges of the retaining wall or grade be <br />protectcd by railings or a fcnce to protect residents (including children from the adjacent <br />daycare facility) from falling? <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />3) The apparent "main" entrance to thc propcrty directly off Highway 96 is <br />a':ailablc only eastbound, neccssitating westbound traffic to V-turn at the Kcithson Drive <br />