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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - December], 2004 <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION ON THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE AND HOME OCCUPATION <br />PERMITS <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Hcllcgcrs stated a resident had inquired about the Thcrapeutic Massage as a potential <br />Home Occupation_ He noted based on current City Regulations for Massage, Rap, and <br />Sauna Parlors it does not appear that any sort of massage business could be operated out <br />of a home. City Code attempts to regulate these activities and provides certain exclusions <br />howevcr Therapeutic Massage is not one of them. <br /> <br />Mr. Hellegers asked the Planning Commission if Therapeutic Massage should be added <br />to the exceptions, or should Therapeutic Massage and/or massage in general be expressly <br />prohibited as a home occupation under the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson stated he believed the current City Regulation was outdated and <br />should be looked at again. He indicated the concept of a therapeutic massage was a <br />needed alternative medical treatment and he did not see why this could not be a <br />reasonable home occupation. <br /> <br />Commissioncr Modesette agreed with Commissioner Larson and indicated this would be <br />the type of a business would be more in parallel with a home occupation. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke asked if staff had checked with other surrounding communities for <br />their regulations_ Mr. Hellegers replied he knew Richfield had a concern about the . <br />inspection process with this type of a business. He noted he was also aware of a similar <br />business in Minneapolis, so other communities did allow this type of activity. Mr. <br />HelJegers stated that staff would rcsearch this further before the item returned to the <br />Commission. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke stated instead of starting from scratch, they should look at what the <br />other communities had done and what their experiences have been. She believed there <br />was a role and need for this type of a service in the community. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmcrman noted a number of salons and spas also offered therapeutic <br />massagc. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson stated it appearcd therc was support for this type of a business and <br />suggested staff research this further and come up with proposed language for the <br />Comrnission's review. <br /> <br />Chair Sand noted there should bc some minimal requirements required of this type of <br />business also. <br /> <br />Karin Muska. 3260 Snelling A venue North, stat cd as far as licensure, therapeutic <br />massages were not Iiccnscd in Minnesota, but she was going to school and would <br />graduate in Dcccmber. She stated she had over 700 hours of experience and shc was over <br />the ccrtification requirement. She indicated they were looking to he licensed in . <br />Minnesota so they could get some respectability_ She stated she wanted to protcct her <br />family as much as possible_ so the type of business she wanted was through referrals and <br />she would also likc to limit it to women only_ She noted her eventual goal would bc to <br />teach couples how to give therapeutic massages to each other and their children. <br />