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<br />, <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />04/28/05 02:42 FAX 6514150082 <br /> <br />MJDAIDlAN <br /> <br />14103 <br /> <br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br />LG215 lease for lawful Gambling Activity <br />City <br />Ifle <br /> <br />6/03 <br />Page 1 of2 <br /> <br />Daytime phone <br />>SV;;. t9t3J 77] <br />DayUrre prone <br /> <br /> <br />NamBi_ of legal owner of premises <br />J <br /> <br />Nameofl8aslXl promises Stmeladdress City Zip Daytime phone <br /> <br />F(....I..~..."r. S A 1'....... "!;!l>1oo)1 1~7?1 \II.t.T'~ /l.l ~ ,.d&. Urll' S'SIl:J. '-611&."-(71 <br />Name of lessee (organization leasing1he pramises) Organlzallon Iiceru;e number Daytime phone <br />lady Slipper Chapter ABWA # 03162 651/481-0672 <br /> <br />Rent Information (for activily involving pulHabs, dpboards, padllle_ls, and puJl.- dispensing dBVlces) <br />Boom operallon - sales 01 gombJ;ag oquipmei1t by .n employee (or Bor DperilUon - sales of g....-"'!l "",wpment wt1h.<1a'''''''''' <br />YOlunteer) of a licenst.-d organization within ~ ~te ~re Ulat i5 pren1ses by an empJoyee of rn~ ~ from:li CDrm10n iUfi. wl1ere <br />dlstlna from ...... where food and bevorGges are sold, _ and bev_ .... .... _, <br /> <br />.-------~~~~~an~Il;ORan~~~~~~Dn~~~9a~I~-------, <br />from il boo~ operation at thi. lor.ation7 X Veo NO <br />l_____________________~_~==__~______~ <br /> <br />If you answered yes to lIle question above, rent limits a... <br />basel! on lIle I'llllowing wmbinalicns 01 oper;ltion: <br />. Booth ope<ation <br />_Operationanll pulHabdiSpenSingdevice <br />EIoolh operotioo and bar operolion <br />Booth ope<ation, bilf operation, and pull-tab dispensing devlm <br /> <br />The maximum rent allowed may not exceed $1,750 in <br />total per month for aU OI1lanlzlltlons at this p"'mIses. <br /> <br />Complete one option: <br />Option A: 0 to 10% of the gross prolitsper month, <br />Percentage to be paid % <br /> <br />If you allSWeroO no to the questlon above, rent limits are <br />based on the following DlmbinatJons of operation: <br />- Bar operation <br />Bar operation with pull-tab dispensing dBllice <br />PulHab dispensing device only <br /> <br />The maximum rent allowed may not exceed $2,000 in <br />total per month for all org.nil:ations ot this premiSeS. <br /> <br />ComplBte one option. <br />Option A: 0 to 20% of the gross profits per month. <br />Per1:enlage to be paid % <br /> <br />Option B: When ~ross prollts are $4,000 Or less per month, $0 to Option B: When gross profits are $1,000 or less per month, $0 to <br />$400 per month may be paid. Amount to be paid $ $200 per month may be paid, AmoWl[ to be paid $ . . <br /> <br />Option C: $0 to $400 per monltl may be paid on the first $4,000 <br />of gross profit. Amount to be paid $ 'iDe> , PJusO%lD <br />10% of the gross profits may be paid per monltl on gross profits <br />over $4,000. Percentage to be paid (0 % <br /> <br />Option c. $0 to $200 per month may be paid on the first $1,000 <br />of gross profits, Amount to be pald,$ _ Plus 0% to <br />20% of ltIe gross profits may be paid per month on gross profits <br />over $1,000, P<;rcentage to be paid 'Yo <br /> <br />NOTE. If lIlere are MY other terms or condltlons ror rent-related expense:;, <br />they must be identified on page 2 Wlder Acknowledgment of Lease Terms, <br /> <br />Pingo and/or Bar Pingo Ootasions Rent Information: Bingo <br />, Rent for bingo anll all other gambling activities <br />conducted during a bingo occasion may not exJ:eed: <br />. $200 per oa:asioll for up to 6,000 square feet <br />. $:300 per occasion fO( up to 12,000 square feet <br />. $400 per OCGiSion for mo", than 11,000 square feet <br />. $25 per occasion for bar blngo conducted at any time In a <br />bar (regardless of square tcotage). Your organization <br />must conduct another form of lawful gambling, and the <br />premises must serve intoxkating liquor or :3.2 percent <br />malt beverages. <br />Rent to be paid per bingo occasion $ <br /> <br />If ltIis is an amended lease showing chango:s occurring during ltIe IimI afthe C1lrrent premise; perrnlt, both parties <br />thai: SIgned the lease must initial and date all dlanges, Changes must be submitted to the Gamilllng ControIlloilrd <br />at least ~O da", prior to lIle change. Write in the date Il1attl1e dlanges will be effedJve ----'---1_, <br /> <br />Lessor Dab! Organization Dare <br /> <br />Noon HOllr Bingo Occasions <br />Rent may not exreed $25 per day for noon hour <br />bingo conducted between 11 a.m, and 2 p.m, at a <br />premises with a license for the sale of inlolOcating <br />beverages on the premises. <br /> <br />Rent to be paId per bingo occasJon $ <br /> <br />Amended <br />Lea$e <br />Only <br />