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<br />04/28/05 02:42 FAX 6514150082 <br /> <br />MJDAMMAN <br /> <br />14104 <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity <br /> <br />Lease Term . The term of ibis I..... ogreement wID be <br />concurrentwill1 \he premises permiti;,;uerl by the Gambling <br />Control Board (BoordJ, <br /> <br />Mana!l"m"nt ofGamblinll Prohibited - The owner of the <br />premJsesorthe_wiU not manage the conductofgambling <br />atthe premises, <br /> <br />Participation"" Players Prohibited - The lessor. the lessOt'~ <br />imrnodlate family, and any agents or gamblltlg ""Y1oy1:es oFthe <br />Iessorwill not partidpate as players in the tllllilud: of lawful - <br />gambling M the r><mlises. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Illegal GambHng <br />. The IessDr is aware of the prohibition against iUegaI gaml>llng <br />in Minl10lDta statutes 609.75, and the penalties fi>r illegal <br />gamhIiog violations in Minnesota Rules 7861.ooso, Subpart 3, <br /> <br />. To the besl: of Ibe les5Ol's knowledge, the lessor affirms that <br />any and all games or deYK:es IccilI1!d on the premises are not <br />being used. and are not capable of being used, In a man_ <br />that viOlates the prol1ibilicns against ~legal gambling In <br />Mlnnesola Statlili>S 609.75, and the penaltiesfor Illegal <br />9amb~ng violations In Mlnnesolil Rules 7861,0050, Subpa/tJ. <br /> <br />. Notwirbslilnding Mlnnesoo. Rules 7861.OOSO, Subpart 3, an <br />organization muotconlilllHl making rentpayments, pursuant <br />to the IennS of the lease. if the organization or its agents are <br />fOln:! to be solely responslbIe for any Illegal gambling wnduded <br />at that Sill! that is prohlbll1!d by M1nnesctD Rules 7861,0050, <br />Subpart 1, or Minnesot1l StalUb!!S 609.75, unless the <br />orgal1izillion's agents responsible for \he illegal gambnng <br />activity are alw agents or employee< of the lessor, <br /> <br />. The IessDr shaD not modify or IIlrrnlnate \he lease in whole or <br />in part bocausethe organ/lation reported to a _ or IoalI <br />law enforcementaull1ority or the Board the ocwrrence aI: the <br />site of II~ gambl'mg ac:lMty In whlch \he organization did not <br />partidpate. <br /> <br />ottIer Prohibitions <br />. The_will not impose .dlldlLoo$OQ \heorganizillionwlth <br />resped:to providers (distributors) of gambling-related equlpment <br />and services or in the use of net profils for lawful purposes. <br /> <br />6/03 <br />Page 2 oF2 <br /> <br />. The lessor. thelessot's immediate family, and any ogenls or <br />employeesoftheles>ormD notroq~the organizallon to <br />per/ilrm any action that would violate statute or rule. <br /> <br />. If tllere is a dispub; as to whether any of these lease pl'Olltsions <br />hilve been violated, the lease will remain in effed; pending a tinaI <br />determination by the Compliance Review Group (CRG) of the <br />GantJling Conlrol Board. <br /> <br />. The Itls50r shall nor modify orlemlinate this lease In whole or in <br />part due to the Iessor'~ violation of the praoJlsIons liStaI in tills <br />Ieilse, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Arbitration p""""" - The lessor agrees to arIlllralion when a <br />violation cfthese lease PIlWisicns is alleged. The arbilmInr shall be <br />the CRG. <br /> <br />Aor::ess to permitted premises . The Board and Its agents, \he <br />commissioner.; ofrevenue and pubflC safety and !heIr agenlS, and <br />law enforcement personnel have il<USS to the pennitlBd premises <br />at any reasonable time during the business hours of \he lessor. <br /> <br />The organization has access to the permitted premises during any <br />time reasonable and when necessary for1lle conduct of lawful <br />gambling M the pr=i5Il5. <br /> <br />.......... rec:onls - The lessor shag malnl8ln a record of all money <br />reo;ived from the organi2ation, and mala! Ihe record avaiJaIlIe to <br />the Board and Its agents, and the allIVIIlss(oners 01 revenue and <br />publicsafely and their agents upon demand. '"'" record shall be <br />maintained for a period 013-112 yearn. . <br /> <br />Rant IIll-indll5lve - Amounts paid as rent by the organization to <br />the lessor are a1HndU$ive (ex<Bpt bingo rent). No other services <br />provided or con!nl<ll!d by the _ may be JlIlId by the <br />~nizalion, Induding bul;IlOt limited to trash 1'I!ll'tIVa1, janltoIial <br />and cleaning """'ell;, snow rema;aI,lawn servi<e!l, e!edlidty, <br />heat" seaJrity, security monitoring, storage, olller utHltles or <br />services, and In the = of bar operations, compensation for c:asIi <br />shortages. Any other expendIturl'S made by an organizallon that Is <br />related ID a leased premises must be appraoJed by the director of <br />\he Gambling control Board. RentpayrnenlS may not be made 10 an <br />k1dividua1. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Acknowledgment of Lease Terms <br /> <br />All ollIIgaliclnS and agreements "'" CXlntained in or attached to this lease. I aIIlnn that !he IeaSle informalfon is the rotaI and only <br />agreement betweM the lessor and the organllalfon, . TheIl: is no other agreement and no ether ccnsIderaIion required betwoen \he <br />parties as 10 the lawfUl gambling aM other mattErs related to Ills 1eaSle, Any changes In INs lease will be stbnItted III the Gambling <br />ControIIloa1<l at least 10 days prior to !he elfedIve dare of the dw1ge, <br />other Terms Ot conditions: <br /> <br /> <br />S. <br /> <br />JD6N'r 0 <br /> <br />Questions on this form should be <irected 10 the Ucensing Section of the Gambling contn1IlIoard (Boanl) at 651-639"'1000, <br />This publk:atlon will be made available in altemative Fonnar (i.e. large prlnr, Sroills) '-' request. If you use a 'flY. you can <br />call the Board by using \he Mimesora Relay Service and ask 10 place a calllo 651--639-4000. The information requestEd on <br />!his Fonn will become publiC information when received by the Board, and Will be used w detmnlne your compliance with <br />Minnesota stItutB and rules governing lawful gambling adMlies, <br /> <br />. <br />