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<br />The stated Purpose and Intent of the City's Zoning Ordinance includes thirteen purposes, <br />of those the following statements appear to be applicable: <br /> <br />This ordinance is enacted for the following purposes: <br />· To promote the general public health, safety, eomfort and general welfare of the <br />inhabitants of the City of Arden Hills, Minnesota. (I,B,I) <br />· To promote the proper use ofland and structures. (I,B,6) <br />· To fix reasonable standards to whieh buildings, structures and land shall conform <br />for the benefit of all (I,B,7) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The stated purpose of the R-l: Single Family Residential District as stated in Section <br />5,D,1 is as follows: <br />· To establish areas for the development of single family detached housing at a <br />maximum density of approximately 3 units per acre. <br />. To reserve development areas for single-family housing. <br />. To restrict encroachment ofineompatible uses. <br />. To maintain density limitations. <br />· To take advantage of municipal utilities. <br />. To preserve open space. <br /> <br />(YES) The variance will allow what was a property with a conforming side yard comer <br />setback to be compliant with those setbacks. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />Could the property in question be put to a reasonable use without the granting of <br />the variance? <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />(NO) If a variance was not granted for the property, the house would be considered non- <br />conforming due to the side yard corner setbacks. Under the non-conforming regulations. <br />if the house were destroyed by more than 50% it could not be rebuilt as it is today, it <br />would instead need to meet the setback requirements. Granting of the variance allows <br />the property to continue with a as it is today and provides to opportunity to be rebuilt in <br />the event that it were destroyed by more than 50%. <br /> <br />4. Was the hardship created by the owner? <br /> <br />(NO) The nonconforming side yard corner setback and the reason for the variance was <br />not caused by any action of the owner, it was caused by the widening of Lexington <br />Avenue. <br /> <br />\\Earth\Planning\Planning CasesI2005\05-14 Variance for 1105 Amble Drive (PENDING)\05-04-05 PC Report 1105 Amble DrVariance.doc <br /> <br />Page 4 of5 <br /> <br />. <br />