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<br /> <br />Ms. Michelle Wolfe <br />Augusl 3, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Direct Expenses <br />Direct expenses for the project include items such as mileage, parking, photography, printing and delivery services. <br />URS will bill all expenses incurred on the project directly to the Cily wilh no URS markup. . Expenses are <br />anticipaled to include printing and distribution of plans and specifications ($2,500), conslruction materials testing <br />($1,500) and mileage ($500). The total estimated amount for direct expenses is $4,500.00 <br /> <br />ESTIMATED FEE SUMMARY <br />Basic Services (percent of construction cost) <br />Additional Services (hourly, not-to--exceed) <br />Expenses (estimated, no markup) <br />Total Estimated Cost <br /> <br />$ 62,480.00 <br />$ 8,580.00 <br />$ 4,500.00 <br />$ 75,560.00 <br /> <br />All work, therefor is estimated to be complele for a total amount of $75,560.00. Final amounls for Basic Services <br />and Construction Services will be based upon the actual conslruction cost of the project in accordance with the <br />Professional Services Agreement. Additional Services will be performed on an hourly basis based upon the <br />parameters ouilined in the Professional Services Agreement. Expenses will be billed directly to the City with no <br />URS markup. <br /> <br />SCHEDULE <br />The following is the proposed schedule for the project: <br />Field Survey of four SiIes <br />Complete Final Design & Construclion Documents <br />Bid Opening <br />Begin Construclion <br />Complete Construction <br /> <br />August, 2005 <br />October. 2005 <br />November, 2005 <br />December, 2005 <br />June, 2006 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Thank you for the opportunily to provide these services. We look forward to working with you and CiIy staff on <br />this project. Please call if you have any questions or we can provide any additional information. A completed <br />Work Order Form is attached for your execution. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br /> <br />Copy: Tom Moore/Arden Hills <br />Tom Geear/URS <br />Frank TicknorlURS <br />File: Pending <br /> <br />. <br />