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<br /> <br />. Ms. Michelle Wolfe <br />August 3, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Construction Phase <br />URS will provide construclion services in accordance with the Professional Services Agreement. The services will <br />include contract administration, shop drawing review, field inspections and conslruction staking. Construction <br />tesling will be coordinated by URS but will be provided by others and will be billed directly to the City by the firm <br />performing the work. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />In addition to Ihe Basic Services detailed above, URS will provide additional services for field survey necessary for <br />the project. <br /> <br />Field Survey <br />Field surveying will be completed for the project during both the Preliminary and Final Design Phases of the <br />project. II is anticipated that the survey will be a topographical survey to include right of way, easements, existing <br />utilities and all topographic points which, will be impacted by this projeet. All survey information will be based <br />upon the Ramsey County Coordinate System in order to allow easy correlation with City GIS mapping information. <br /> <br />ESTIMATED COSTS <br />We propose that the basic services identified above be completed on a percentage of construclion COSl basis <br />consistenl with the terms of our Professional Services Agreement. The preliminary estimate for the project cost <br />. iucluding 18% for Engineering and construction administration is $500,000 all of which would be funded from the <br />sanilary sewer enterprise fund. The total budgeted project cost in the CIP for lift stations are $200,000 (2006) and <br />$200,000 (2007) for a tOlal of $400,000. The CIP budget should be adjusted during the annual review this summer <br />to reflect the current estimated cost as well as the fact that the projecl will be completed in one year instead of two <br />years. An outline of our eSlimaled fees and direct expenses for the project are detailed below: <br /> <br />Estimated Fees for Basic Services <br />Percentage Multiplier to be used for Basic Services based upon estimaled construction cost of $425,000.00 and <br />curve included on Exhibit D of the Professional Services Agreement: 4.70% <br /> <br />Breakdown of Basic Services <br />Design Phase (90% of 4.7%) <br />Bidding Phase (10% of 4.7%) <br />Construction Services (10% of Ave. 3 bids) <br />Subtotal Basic Services (14.7% of construction) <br /> <br />$17,980.00 <br />$ 2,000.00 <br />$42.500.00 <br />$62,480.00 <br /> <br />Estimated Fees for Additional Services (hourly, not-to-exceed) <br />Field Survey: <br />CAD Technician: 16 Hours @ $65.00 <br />Survey Coordinator 4 Hours @ $85.00 <br />Surveyor 120 Hours @ $60.00 <br />Subtotal Additional Services (hourly) <br /> <br />$ 1,040.00 <br />$ 340.00 <br />$ 7,200.00 <br />$ 8,580.00 <br /> <br />. <br />