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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Memo to Michelle Wolfe <br />Scptember 20, 2005 <br />1415 Glenhill Rd. & 3150 Hamline Ave <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />moving the material out of the storage building to the farm but it will take somc time and that <br />they plan on selling thc Hamline property in a couple of years. They also will take care ofthe <br />motor home but not until this coming spring and summer. She also notes that other properties <br />have motor homes in violation, particularly on Ingcrson Rd. <br /> <br />June 4th, 2004 <br />City staffwritcs the owner reminding that her November 241h letter stated she would bc selling <br />the motor home in the springlsummcr. Staff cites all of the violations remaining on the property, <br />noting that some arc still outstanding from 2000. Staff gives her until the 6th of July to abate thc <br />violations. <br /> <br />July I", 2004 <br />The owncr responds to the above lettcr stating she is not wcll. Shc also writes that they are <br />planning on selling the property, but not for a couple of years. <br /> <br />September 291h, 2004 <br />City staff writes letter to owner regarding a roofing permit for the storage building. <br />Staffwrites that in earlier communications to hcr that thc storagc building was unsafe and that <br />the work now done to it does not changc the unsafe condition. <br />Staff notes; Stairs unsafe for human travel, Rotted wood on walls in all areas, Rotted wood on <br />walls in all areas of roof visible from the underside of eaves, Rotted wood at tail ends of roof <br />joists, New roof decking was installed & unable to determine how it was attached to rotten joists, <br />Structure still appcars to be a harborage for rodents, Structure is still in gcncral disrepair <br />including fencing attached to structure, Trees growing thru fence. <br />Staff states for all of the above reasons the structure is still unsafe and needs to be repaired or <br />removed. <br /> <br />In addition to thc above correspondence City Staff has had numerous phone conversations and <br />on site inspections over the years. <br /> <br />Legal Action <br />Attached is a list of reccnt court action taken on the above properties. <br />Following is a summary of those actions. <br />On August 41h of2004 the City did write two citations (one for each propcrty) for the above <br />violations. <br />After many delays, continuances, and a plea of not guilty the owner did appear in court on the <br />13th of July of 2005. The owner plead guilty to having a vchicle that is unlicensed and <br />inoperable, an RV parked in the front yard unlicensed and inoperable, and a structure that is <br />unsafe or in disrepair as of August 4th of2004. <br />The City agreed to stay imposition and scntcncing as long as the owner followed the timetable to <br />abate the violations according to the prcarranged "compliance agreement" which is attached. <br />The brush pile and pick-up have been removed, and the brown vehicle is licensed and appears <br />operable. The RV and the unsafe structure remain. <br />