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<br />TASK 3: Secure funding for and complete a Tier I Environmental Impact Statement and <br />gain approval of the preferred design choice, <br />a, Secure funding by June 30, 2008 <br />b, Approval of EIS by December 31,2010 <br />c, Benefits: <br />i. Incorporates Public Involvement Process <br />ii. Impacts identified and mitigated <br />iii. Design details finalized/confirmed <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />STRATEGY: <br />1. Work with Congressional Delegation to secure pro' <br />2, Coordinate efforts with Mn/DOT and Metro Cou <br />requirements are met <br />3. Maintain awareness of Legislative Delegatio <br />critical decision points, <br /> <br /> <br />TASK 2: Incorporate constructioi. <br />programs of implemen <br />a, Next update of the <br />b. Next update of Mn/D <br />(TSP) <br />c. Ben <br />i <br /> <br />on Policy Plan (TPP), <br />nsportation System Plan <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />GOAL # 3. IMPLEMENT THE ULTIMATE <br />COORDINATED CITY AND <br />TASK 1: Keep Community citizens aware of n <br /> <br />,. sand busifWsses have a better understanding of <br />. ,d <br />'Irbe made. <br />, I be efficient and involve less cost and energy. <br />rridor improvements through the Metro Council TAC, <br /> <br />STRATEGY: <br />1. Establis a technical task force including city and county that can coordinate <br />preparation and submittal of required documents to meet process timelines, <br />2, Maintain relationships with Metro Council and MnlDOT policy leaders. <br />3, Maintain public information program to keep citizens and business leaders <br />aware of needs and opportunities. <br /> <br />U\I-35W\2006-2007 ACTION PLAN\Dec. 19 draft doc <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />6 <br />