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<br />~ <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - January 9,2006 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked if Aldi had a particular corporate look, Mr. Rukavina . <br />responded Aldi did have a corporate standard with an all brick building, but they were willing to <br />work with the community on this, <br /> <br />Mr. Wellington stated he was not SUTe where the Aldi building would be located on the site, He <br />indicated they would come back with some options and noted this was only a preliminary <br />proposal. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski expressed concern with the increased traffic from the customers in this area <br />and noted this was a very busy corner in the City. Mr. Wellington stated he anticipated they <br />would need to do a traffic study of the area to determine where the best access points would be, <br />He noted a grocery store was a balanced use much like the existing office building, He indicated <br />they would probably also upgrade the exterior existing retail center to blend everything together. <br />He asked if the City would consider a drug store on this site also, <br /> <br />Councilmember Holdeu asked what the maximum height on the proposed office building would <br />be. Mr. Wellington responded a three-story office building would be 38-42 feet. He noted they <br />would work within the City's Ordinances. <br /> <br />Couucilmember Graut stated he assumed they needed an anchor tenant and would tbat anchor <br />tenant be Aldi, Mr. Wellington responded Aldi could be the anchor tenant, or a drug store could <br />be the anchor tenant, He noted it was possible a medical facility could also be an anchor tenant. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if it would be difficult to find an anchor tenant with today's <br />economy, Mr. Wellington responded they were confident they would find an anchor tenant. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated he wanted to see some modernization of the existing Frattalone <br />building. He noted he was not opposed to redevelopment and he believed the space could be <br />better utilized. <br /> <br />Planning Commissioner Larson stated his initial impression was the two accesses were <br />problematic. He noted the intersection of Lexington and County Road E backed up during rush <br />hour and because of the lack of control on either access, he would recommended a traffic study, <br />Hc stated the Commissioners were in agreement that Aldi's was an excellent choice for this <br />corner instead of a drug store, He noted this area was somewhat outdated and the Commission <br />would not be opposed to redevelopment. <br /> <br />Planning Commissioner Thompson suggested they look at other ways to laying out the site to <br />make better use of the parking, She also noted the access turn was very tight as it was set up now <br />and suggested this be widened. <br /> <br />Planning Commissioner David McClung indicated redevelopment of this area was positive <br />considering this was a major intersection in the City. He agreed they needed to update the <br />existing hardware store building to blend it into the remainder of the site, <br /> <br />. <br />