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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />circumstances of the property limit its use compared to other properties within the R-2 <br />Zone. <br />5. The hardship was not created by the owner. The lot lines follow the original plat, which <br />was created before the eUITent zoning ordinance was in place. Furthcrmore, the 20 foot <br />utility easement in front of the structure limits the use of the property. <br />6. Granting the variance would not alter thc essential character of the neighborhood. The <br />existing dwelling to the south encroaches closer to the lot line that this proposcd addition. <br />A number of the structures along the west side of Lake Johanna are on narrow lots and <br />encroach on the side yard setback. Adding the small porch would have little to no <br />noticeable or negative affect on the subject property or adjacent properties. <br />7. The variance is not based on economic considerations. The narrowness of the lot and the <br />utility easement limits the usability of the lot. <br /> <br />The addition to the principal structure would be subject to the following four conditions: <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as part of the <br />Variance application. Any significant changes to these plans, as detcrmined by the City <br />Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. <br />2. The variance shall automatically expire and become void one (1) year from and after the <br />date on which the Council granted such approval if work on the project has not begun <br />within that time period. <br />3. Gutters or other water control measures shall be installed so that stoffilwater is not <br />directed toward adjacent properties or toward Lake Johanna. <br />4. Thc applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />The applicant shall provide the City with a copy of these permits before any building <br />permits are issued. <br /> <br />PC# 06-006b: Accessory Structure Variance - No recommendation <br /> <br />Although two different motions were made, the Plmilling Commission does not have a <br />recommendation for the variance to construct an addition to the accessory structure. A motion <br />was made to recommend denial of the variance; however, the motion failed to pass on a vote of <br />3-3 with Commissioner Bezdicek abstaining. A second motion was made for approval with the <br />recommended conditions. That motion also failed to pass with a vote of3-3 with Commissioner <br />Bczdicek abstaining. Since the Planning Commission determined that no additional information <br />was needed, there was a consensus to not table the application. A third motion was made to send <br />the application to the City Council with no recommendation, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Staffhad recommended approval of the variance to construct an addition to the accessory <br />structure with conditions. Due to that recommendation, the original planning case report did <br />include findings that supported approval, which are provided below. However, Commissioner <br />Larson did provide findings for denying the variance, which are also provided. <br /> <br />I\Melro-rne1_uslardenhillsIPlanning\Planning Cm"esI2006\06-006 Westlund variance (PENDING)',030206 - CC Report - H'estlund Variance.doc <br /> <br />Page 3 of6 <br />