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<br />. <br /> <br />The applicant is also proposing to expand the existing 449 square foot accessory structure by 282 <br />square feet to a total of 731 square feet. The accessory structure is currently non-conforming due <br />to the encroachments on the front and side yard setbacks and because it is in the front yard, . <br />which is not allowed. All but the last 3.2 feet of the proposed addition would be in the front yard <br />setback. While the addition will not be any closer to the lot lines than the existing structure, the <br />addition will be as close to the lot line as the existing structure at just 2.3 feet from the side yard <br />lot line. The minimum side yard accessory structure setback is 10 feet. Finally, with the <br />addition, the height of the accessory structure would increase from roughly twelve feet to <br />approximately 21 feet 9 inches at the peak. A variance is not needed for the height because the <br />acccssory structure would be shortcr than the dwelling. <br /> <br />For additional background information, please refer to the March 1,2006, Planning Case report. <br />This report is available online at <br /> <br /> <br />Planning Commission Recommendation <br /> <br />The Planning Commission did review the variances separately since one is not contingent upon <br />the other. The Planning Commission is recommending approval of the variance to construct an <br />addition to the principal structure (PC# 06-006a); however, the Planning Commission does not <br />have a recommendation for the variance to construct an addition to the accessory structure (PC# <br />06-006b). The varianccs and their recommendations are outlined separately. <br /> <br />PC# 06-006a: Principal Structure Variance- Recommended for approval <br /> <br />Based on the following seven findings of fact, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to <br />recommend approval of the variance to construct an addition to the principal struetnre: <br />I. Except for the southern side yard lot line encroachment, the dwelling addition meets all <br />other requirements of the R-2 Zone. The total structural coverage with all proposed <br />additions is estimated at 24.5 percent, total landscaped lot area is 66.2 percent, and total <br />impervious coverage is estimated at 33.8 percent. <br />2. The circumstances related to this variance are unique to the property. The width of the <br />lot, which was created before the currcnt Zoning Ordinance was in place, severely limits <br />any expansion of the principal structure. Furthennore, the twenty foot utility easement in <br />front of the dwelling would make it difficult to construct a porch or entry way at the front <br />of the structure despite being outside of the 40 foot front yard setback. <br />3. Granting this variance would be in keeping with the spirit of the Zoning Ordinance. The <br />proposed addition to the dwelling is an open air porch; therefore, the slight encroachment <br />of the addition would likely be unnoticeable and not affect neighboring properties. The <br />proposed addition is in line with the existing structure and creates a more coherent look <br />than if the addition were stepped back from the dwelling to meet the required side <br />setback. <br />4. The applicant does currently have reasonable use of the property with thc existing <br />dwelling and accessory structure without the additions. However, the unique <br /> <br />II,Merro-inet.U$\l7rdcnhillsIPlanningW/a/Uling Case.~\2006\06-006 Westlzmd variance (PENDfNG)IOJ0206 CC Reporl- Westlund Variance. doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of6 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />