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<br />. <br /> <br />A. Principal Structurc Variance Findings (PC# 06-006a): <br />I. Except for the southern side yard lot line encroachment, thc dwelling addition <br />meets all other requirements of thc R-2 Zone. The total structural coverage <br />with all proposed additions is estimated at 24.5 percent, totallandscapcd lot <br />area is 66.2 percent, and total impervious coverage is estimated at 33.8 <br />percent. <br />2. The circumstanccs related to this variance are unique to the property. The <br />width of the lot, which was created before the current Zoning Ordinance was <br />in place, severely limits any expansion of the principal structure. <br />Furthcrmore, the twenty foot utility easement in front of the dwelling would <br />make it di fficult to construct a porch or entry way at the front of the structure <br />despite being outside of the 40 foot front yard setback. <br />3. Granting this variance would be in keeping with the spirit of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. The proposed addition to the dwelling is an open air porch; <br />there/ore, the slight encroachment of the addition would likely be <br />unnoticeable and not affcct neighboring properties. The proposed addition is <br />in line with the existing structure and creates a more cohcrent look than if the <br />addition were stcpped back from the dwelling to meet the required side <br />setback. <br />4. The applicant does currently have reasonablc use of the property with the <br />existing dwclling and accessory structure without the additions. However, the <br />unique circumstances of the property limit its use compared to other <br />propcrties within the R-2 Zone. <br />5. The hardship was not created by the owner. The lot lines follow the original <br />plat, which was created before thc current zoning ordinance was in place. <br />Furthcrmore, the 20 foot utility easement in front of the structure limits the <br />use 0 fth e property. <br />6. Granting the variance would not alter the essential character of the <br />neighborhood. The existing dwelling to the south encroaches closer to the lot <br />line that this proposed addition. A number of the structures along the west <br />sidc of Lake Johaillla are on narrow lots and encroach on the side yard <br />sethack. Adding thc small porch would have little to no noticeable or negative <br />affect on the subject property or adj acent properties. <br />7. The variance is not based on cconomic considerations. The narrowness of the <br />lot and the utility easemcnt limits the usability of the lot. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />B. Accessory Structure Variancc Findings (PC# 06-006b): <br />I. The accessory structure, with the addition, at 21 feet 9 inches in height would <br />not exceed the height of the dwelling at 30 feet 4 inches to the peak (Although <br />height is normally measured at the halfway point between the peak and the <br />eaves for this type of structure, the dwelling is well below the 35 foot hcight <br />limit even at the peak and the accessory structure is less than the height of the <br />dwelling). <br /> <br />City oj Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Jv/eetingfor March J, 2006 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />\IMetru-inet,lIs'lardenhiils'IP/wJningIPlanfJing Cases'12006106-006 Westlund variance (PEND1NG)W21506 _ PC Report - Westlund Variance.doc <br /> <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />