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<br />2. The accessory structure is in thc front yard, which is not allowed. However, <br />becausc the lot abuts a lakc and because the lot width limits access to the rear <br />portion of the lot, it would be impractical to move the accessory structure to <br />the rear yard. <br />3. The proposed accessory structure exceeds the maximum 728 square feet of <br />detached accessory structure square footage by approximately three square <br />feet. <br />4. The circumstances related to this variance are unique to the property. The <br />twenty foot wide utility easement that crosses the property immediately in <br />front of the dwelling /Tom nOlth to south means that it would not be possible <br />to construct an attached garage to the dwelling. <br />5. Granting this variancc would be in keeping with the spirit of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance allows acccssory structures in the R-2 <br />Zone and would allow a larger structure attachcd to the dwelling if that were <br />possib Ie. <br />6. The applicant does currently have reasonable use of the property with the <br />existing dwelling and acccssory structure without the additions. However, the <br />unique circumstances of the property limit the use of the property compared to <br />other properties within the R-2 Zone. <br />7. The hardship was not creatcd by the owner. Many of the lots along the <br />western sidc of Lake Johanna are non-conforming, including the three lots <br />immediately south ofthc subject property. <br />8. Granting the variance would not alter the essential character of the <br />neighborhood. Of the 22 properties along the southwestern edge of Lake <br />Johaillla, twelve properties have an accessory structure or part of the principal <br />structure encroaching on the front yard setback. <br />9. The variance is not based on economic considerations alone. The area on <br />most of the lots along the southwestern side of Lake Johaillla limits the <br />potential locations of acccssory structures. <br />]0. Detached accessory structures up to 728 square feet are allowed in the R-2 <br />Zone; however, the unusual configuration of this lot and the character of the <br />neighborhood makc this a unique situation in the R-2 Zone. <br /> <br />Staff Recommendation <br /> <br />Should the Plam1ing Commission wish to make separate recommendations for approval or <br />denial, the recommended conditions have been separated into Planning Case #06-006a for the <br />principal structure variance and Plaillling Case #06-006b for the accessory structure variance. <br /> <br />In Planning Case #06-006a, staff recommends approval ofthe variance to construct an addition <br />to the principal structure based on the findings of fact and subject to the following three <br />conditions: <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission A4eetingfor March], 2006 <br /> <br />'irtrdenhilfsIPlanningl.?lanning Cases\2006i06-006 Westlund variance (PENDING)102/506 - PC Repon- Wesllund Variance.doc <br /> <br />Page 6 of8 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />