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<br />consensus that the change to the water towcr signage was not significantly different. An official <br />motion was not madc. Councilmember Grant requested the proposal be brought to the City Council <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Boston Scientific will bc bringing their water tower signage proposal to the meeting. <br /> <br />Procedural Note: Deviations horn the recently approved sign regulations follow the site plan review <br />process instead of thc variance process, whieh was also the case in the previous sign regulations. <br />Ilowever, Planning Case 01-25 was approved under an even older sign ordinance that required a <br />variance to deviatc from the sign standards. ff deemed necessary, the City would follow the site plan <br />review process for changes to the water tower signage. <br /> <br />Cily of Arden Hilts <br />Cily Caunell Meeting}or September 6, 200n <br /> <br />\\Mctro-ineLus\ardenhiJls\Planning\PJ8nning Commission\Ncw-Old Busincss\2006\090706 - BosSe-it: waler tmver signagc.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 on <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />