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<br />2006 PMP <br />9/7/2006 <br />Pagc 4 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />One of the parcels owned by the Beach Club is predominantly a wetland area. A City <br />owned and operated Lift Station (#4) is currently located within this area, and two <br />sedimentation ponds have been constructed in this area in conjunction with the project. <br />Once land has been delineated as a wetland area, restrictions arc imposed by the <br />Wetland Conservation Act and uses of the arca bccome limited. With the construction <br />of the sedimentation ponds and associated drainage easements, any potential buildable <br />area has been significantly reduced. <br /> <br />The second parcel owned by the Beach Club is the island. While this parcel has not <br />been delineated as wetland, there is uncertainty whether the area is developable. Based <br />on the City's shorcline setback requirement, it appears there would be approximately <br />one acre on which to develop, however, the DNR or other governing agencies typically <br />have stricter requirements. While the soils on thc island have not been evaluated, it is <br />very likely that the soils are not snitable for construction, based on the island's <br />proximity to the lake. <br /> <br />Recommcndation: No change in thc assessment. <br /> <br />5) Oral comment: 3436 Siems Conrt, Jennie Michels <br />Ms. Michels cxpressed a concern that evcn though the Beach Club area equates to only two <br />lots, the area is quite large and not everyone in the neighborhood uscs the Beach Club, <br />therefore, should not be paying for it. As mentioned before, the two parcels owned by the <br />Bcach Club were not included in the assessment role based on the fact that these lots <br />are not devclopable. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Ms. Michels also stated that it was her undcrstanding that the City would pay for the <br />differcnce in cost between the estimate and the bid, yet the assessment rate has increased. <br />The bid increased the costs for all parties involved, including the portion to be paid by <br />the City. <br /> <br />Recommendation: No change in the assessmcnt. <br /> <br />6) Oral comment: 3530 Siems Court, Tom Mulcahy <br />Mr. Mulcahy requcsted an explanation as to why the construction costs came in significantly <br />highcr than what had been previously discussed. During the planning process we do our <br />best to estimate, based on past projects and inflation, what we believe a project should <br />cost. Unfortunately, this is subject to market fluctuations. Construction costs have <br />increased significantly in the past year due to risiug energy costs. Our August 2005 <br />estimates did not account for this unanticipated 20-30% increase in cost. <br /> <br />Rccommendation: No change in the assessment. <br /> <br />~ <br />