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<br />. <br /> <br />d. EXPLANATION: Construction projects on the interstate highway system <br />must have federal government approvals predicated on meeting process <br />requirements. The first major step is a "Scoping Study" that includes the <br />definition and evaluation of all possible solutions to the identified <br />problems so that a fair and valid assessment of impacts can be made. <br />The proposed study will build on results of earlier Coalition work that <br />identified the 1-35WITH 10 segment between 1-694 & 95th Street as <br />needing significant expansion to meet current and future traffic flow <br />demands as well as ongoing development efforts by member <br />organizations. <br /> <br />Strateqv <br />Priority 1: Convince Mn/DOT to conduct the <br />resources. <br /> <br /> <br />The freeway expansion needed based on work <br />problems providing access to and from local <br />outcome of the Scoping Study will be a sh <br />competing design and access conflicts. <br />Scoping Study will cost $500,000 or . <br />needed to do the major share of t <br />internal resources available to <br /> <br />e, would create <br />pment projects. The <br />viable solutions to <br />s suggest that the <br />ervices are <br />ess if done by <br /> <br />1Public/private match. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />eeds of all member cities and <br />olve ts in a collaborative process. <br />ess needs for access to the regional road system <br />egree feasible, consistent with, <br /> <br />f return on private and public investments are maximized, <br />ess time and cost are minimized, <br />timate goals of the Coalition members receive broad community <br />and political support. <br /> <br />STRATEGY <br />1: Coalition Board assumes role of the Solutions Task Force <br />i. Continue Technical staff work with Mn/DOT and Metropolitan <br />Council staff to identify and evaluate alternatives. <br />ii. Coalition Board will assess options and recommend preferred <br />alternatives. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2: Foster exchange of information between development teams from individual <br />community projects. <br /> <br />5 <br />