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<br />Section 3. Data which results from enhancement by a Member or Paying Affiliate of Ramsey County GIS Data, received pursuant to this <br />Agreement, may be sold or exchanged to a third party. <br />Section 4. All Members and Paying Affiliates will adhere to future Users Group license agreements for County or other agency GIS data <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARTICLE IX. DATA SECURITY: <br /> <br />AIl Members and Paying Affiliates of the Users Group agree to abide by the data privacy and data security standards of the supplying agency when <br />using data made available by that agency. <br /> <br />ARTICLE X. FINANCIAL MATTERS: <br /> <br />Section 1. The fiscal year of the Users Group is the calendar year. <br />Section 2. The Board shall adopt an initial budget and must thereafter adopt an annual budget prior to July I of each year for each <br />succeeding year. The Board will give an opportunity to each Member to comment or object to the proposed budget before adoption. Notice of the <br />adopted budget must be mailed promptly thereafter to the chief administrative officer of each Member organization. <br />Section 3. Operational costs shall be shared according to a method agreed upon by majority decision of the Board of Directors. The costs <br />could be met by membership fees. These costs could include Users Group administrative costs, purchase ofliability insurance and others as <br />appropriate. <br />Section 4. Membership Fee: New Members and new Paying Affiliates shall pay a one-time membership fee of$500 to the Users Group <br />for the calendar year 2006. The amount oflhis fee shall be reviewed and set annually by the Board of Directors for new Members and new Paying <br />Affiliates. <br />Section 5. Data Access and Physical Features Maintenance Fee: Members and Paying Affiliates shall commit to a three-year payment <br />of data access and physical features maintenance fees, except where a one-year limitation is imposed by State Statutes. Ramsey County will charge <br />the Users Group on an annual basis for unlimited access to the Ramsey County GIS Data. This fee will be paid to Ramsey County by the Users <br />Group on bebalf of the Members and Paying Affiliates on an annual basis. The amount to be paid by each Member and Paying Affiliates will be <br />determined by the Board.and will be reviewed annually. <br />Section 6. Special Projects Assessments: Members and Paying Affiliates who wish to enter into special projects and consultations sball <br />present proposals to the Board for review. Examples of special projects could be cooperative training or consortium purchase of software. Upon <br />approval by the Board, those Members and Paying Affiliates who arc part of the project will be assessed to meet the cost of the project <br />Section 7. Billings to the Members and Paying Affiliates are due and payable no later than 60 days after the receipt of the annual invoice. <br />4Ie event of a dispute as to the amount of a billing, a Member or Paying Affiliate must nevertheless make payment as billed to preserve <br />bership status. The Member or Paying Affiliate may make payment subject to its rigbt to dispute the bill and exercise any remedies available to <br />. ailure to pay a billing within 60 days results in suspension of voting privileges of the Member Director. Failure to pay a billing within 120 days <br />is grounds for termination of membership, but the Users Group rights to receive payment are not affected by the termination of membership. <br /> <br />ARTICLE XI. TERM <br /> <br />Section I. This Agreement shall be in force through December 31, 2008, or until superseded by 3IlOlher agreement. <br />Section 2. Based all the annual review of the operating procedures within the Agreement conducted by the Board, a new <br />Agreement will be developed and circulated at least three months prior to December 31, 2008 and be agreed upon and signed on or <br />before December 31, 2008. <br /> <br />ARTICLE XII. TERMINATION: <br /> <br />Each Member or Paying Affiliate shall have the right to terminate its membership and participation in tbe Users Group with or without cause by <br />formal resolution of the Member's or Paying Affiliate's organization and communicated to the Board in writing. However, the Member or Paying <br />Affiliate is still obligated to ilS financial commitments for the year during ,"vhich termination of membership occurs. <br />These commitments include: <br />(i) any balance of the Data AccesslPhysical Features Maintenance Fee. This commitment applies to all Members and Paying <br />Affiliales. <br />(ii) any balance owing on Special Projects Assessments. This commitment applies to Members and Paying Affiliates which have <br />entered into any special project agreement(s). Termination of membership prior to expiration of the Agreement shall make a local <br />unit of government ineligible to re-join as a Member or Paying Affiliate under the current Agreement. <br /> <br />ARTICLE XIII. DISSOLUTION: <br /> <br />Section I. The Users Group may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of its Members in good standing. Dissolution is mandatory when the <br />etary has received certified copies of resolutions adopted by the governing bodies of the required Members requesting dissolution of the Users <br />p. <br />Section 2. In the event of a dissolution, the Board must determine the measures necessary to effect the dissolution and must provide for <br />the taking of such measures a<; promptly as circumstances permit., subject to the provisions ofthis agreement and law. <br />