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CCP 04-17-2006
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CCP 04-17-2006
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2006-2010 C1P <br />2/16/2006 <br />Pagc 2 <br /> <br />whereas in the past, charges associatcd with utility funds wcre not accurately allocated to the <br />proper areas and instead allocated to the general fund_ In the area of the CIP (PMP), there were <br />some change orders towards the end of the year, plus continuation ofpre-2004 PMP projects that <br />were finalized in 2004/05 that were paid later. As a result of all the above mentioned <br />modifications/adjustments, the utility fund balances have bcen adjusted accordingly, as <br />compared to original numbers from the 2004 Study. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION <br /> <br />The Finance Director has worked with thc consultant on the utility rate study to revise the <br />relevant pages and determinc thc fun-d balance numbers by year. The following discussion <br />addresses the fund balances in relation to proposed projects in thc CIP. Overall, if the City <br />replaces all four li ft stations and takes on the 2006 Ridgewood Neighborhood project, as well as <br />thc other CIP items currently listed, the fund balances will be as follows at the end of2009: <br />Water - $675,000; Sanitary Sewer - $200,000; and Stonn Water - $625,000. <br /> <br />FUND BALANCES <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer Fund <br />. Lift Stations- If we climinate all four lift stations in 2006, the fund balance would be <br />about $900,000 at the end of 2009, as compared to the old number of $644,707_ If we <br />decide to reconstruct two lift stations, the balance drops to about $500,000, as compared <br />to the old number of $644,707. If none of the lift stations are reconstructed at this time, <br />the O&M dcpartment feels that the lift stations will be able to be properly maintained_ <br />While it is difficult to acquire parts for these lift stations duc to their relative age, O&M <br />has successfully managed to manufacture necessary parts as needed_ Anothcr reason <br />O&M feels the current lift stations can be maintained as-is for the next few years is that <br />these stations serve areas of low flows. While some of the failures that have occurred in <br />the past three to five years have triggered the alarm systems, the problems were <br />addressed and failures repaired prior to causing any sewer back-ups_ In the case of Lift <br />Station #13, which was struck by lightning, the back-ups resulted from an error in the <br />notification procedure, causing a delayed response time. <br />. SCADA <br />The City of Roseville is currently in the process of meeting with vendors to explore the <br />options of upgrading thcir sanitary scwcr systcm with SCADA. As has been discussed in <br />the past, an upgrade occurring jointly in Ardcn Hills and Roseville could result in the <br />sharing of costs, benefiting both cities. City staff is currently evaluating liability concerns <br />as it relates to lift station failurc in ordcr to rccommend priority of rebuilding lift stations <br />versus acquiring SCADA_ Ifthc conccrn lies in the notification and response time to lift <br />station failure, SCADA would improvc the efficiency of notification, and therefore, <br />decrease liability concems_ <br />
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