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CCP 04-17-2006
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CCP 04-17-2006
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<br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2006-20]0 C1P <br />2/16/2006 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />will be reviewing the City's MSA fund balance to determine the amount that may be used <br />towards this project. <br /> <br />Emergencv Vehicle Prc-er!!pJiQn.(IOYP} <br />Ramsey County has identified nine intersections in Arden Hills that currently do not have <br />EVP installed. The intersection TH 10 and Highway 96, with an estimated cost of $9,500, <br />will possibly be funded by Ramsey County and/or Mn/DOT as a part of their signal <br />improvement project this summer. Three interseetions are shared with Shoreview; costs for <br />these intersections would also he shared_ Shorevicw has budgeted for their upgrades to be <br />completed in 2006_ At a minimum, staff believes that the eosts for the intersections shared <br />with Shoreview (approximately $8,000) should be included in Arden Hills' 2006 <br />improvement projects. The cost to upgrade the remaining five intersections is estimatcd at <br />about $ I 8,000_ Costs incurred for the EVP project would be eligible for reimbursement from <br />MSA funds_ Attached is a spreadsheet listing the intcrscctions and associated cost estimates <br />for these improvements. <br /> <br />FACTORS FOR FIJTlJRE PROJECTS <br /> <br />MSA funds <br />Staff will be meeting with Ramsey County staff to review the City's final costs for the <br />Lexington Avenue reconstruction project and to determine which costs are eligible for <br />reimbursement from MSA funds_ Once the review is complete and staff has a better <br />understanding of the MSA fund balance, staff will be able to set aside amounts to be used for <br />the MSA eligible unassigned projects_ City staff is sceking guidance from Council in <br />prioritizing the unassigned projects listed on the current C1P_ <br /> <br />General Capita1Fund Balanc~ <br />While developing and modifying the CIP, it would be helpful to receive some direction from <br />Council as to fund balances_ What is Council's level of comfort for a minimum balance? <br />Where would Council like to see the balance at the cnd of the 5 year plan? We can have a <br />more detailed and accurate discussion after the 2005 audited numbers are finalized in May_ <br /> <br />Street rehabilitation s;ys;le <br />The PMP Projects scheduled for 2007 to 2010 are based on current PCl ratings and current <br />rehabilitation cycle as developed by URS_ Given the fund balances, it may be time to <br />reevaluate the current cycle_ The support agreement Goodpointe Teclmologies proposed to us <br />would be able to assist the City with the PMP budget analysis. What Goodpointe has done in <br />the past with other communities is to run an analysis using the existing cyele and existing <br />spending pattems_ Another scenario typically analyzed includes detennining a desired <br />average PCl rating for the City and spending limit to dctcrmine how many years it will take <br />to reach the desired goal. The average weighted PCl rating for Arden Hills as calculated by <br />Goodpointe is 68.25. Goodpointe indicated that several other communities strive for an <br />aver~ge PCI of around 75. <br />
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