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<br />c. The entrance from Country Road F to the Arden Woods parking lot shall <br />maintain an unobstmcted vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. <br />d. The applicant shall submit a schedule for completing the installation of . <br />sprinklers in the Arden Woods office building for approval by the Fire <br />Marshall before any building pennits are issued. <br />9. The applicant shall comply with the conditions recommended by the City Engineer in <br />the March 28, 2006, memo to the City Planner. Updated site plans, including the <br />changes made with the agreement with the Lake Johanna Firc Department, shall be <br />submitted for approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshall before any building <br />permits are issued. <br />10. The applicant shall provide an "as built" survey upon completion of the project that <br />includes all required changes. <br />I I. Approval of the proposal to remove access from Lexington Avenue to the Arden <br />Woods office building shall be contingent upon review and approval of Ramsey <br />County. <br /> <br />If approved, Staff recommends the two additional conditions from Dan Soler's April 14, <br />2006, memo, be included as follows: <br />12. All landscaping for the proposed improvements shall be done off of the County right- <br />of-way. <br />13. The removal of the Driveway on Lexington Avenuc shall require a permit from <br />Ramsey County Public Works. <br /> <br />Resident Comment: <br /> <br />Staff has not received any public comments regarding this application. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Options <br /> <br />I. Approve the proposal as submitted. <br />2. Approve the proposal with conditions. <br />3. Deny the application with reasons for denial. If the City denies the petitioners request, <br />".. .it must state in writing the reasons for the denial at the time it denies the request." <br />4. Table for additional infornlation. <br /> <br />Deadline for Al!ency Actions <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hills received the completed application for this request on March 6, 2006. <br />Pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, the City must act on this request by May 6, 2006 (60 days), <br />unless the City provides the petitioner with written reasons for an additional 60 day review <br />period. The City may with the petitioners' consent extend the review pcriod beyond the 120 <br />days. <br /> <br />\\\ardenhillsIPlanningIPlanning Cases'2006\06-0JO Guidan! site plan and PUD amendmem (PENDING)\041706 _ CC Reporl- <br />Guidan! Variance. doc <br /> <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />. <br />