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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Warming House Status Memo <br />May 3, 2006 <br />Page 2 of6 <br /> <br />warming houses at Freeway, Hazelnut, and Va1cntine Parks have maintenance issues that should <br />be addressed. Staff has listed each site and the options for the future. <br /> <br />Freewav and Hazelnut Parks <br />Attendance: <br /> <br />. Freeway Park: Attendance at Frceway Park is strong. The 2005/2006 season was <br />very mild and affectcd thc days opcn and quality of ice. Despite those challenges, <br />Frecway rcmains a popular rink. The attendance was down from 1,133 last year to <br />616 this year. The attendance summary is attached lor your inlomlation. (Attaehmcnt <br />7B-2) ln addition, the City rents the rink out to Bethel University after hours for their <br />intramural broomball program. Those hroomball participants are not included in the <br />attendance count. <br /> <br />. Hazelnut Park: Attendance at Hazelnut Park continues to bc strong. Attendance <br />was down from 1,148 last year to 7J 6 this year. As with Frceway Park, thc <br />2005/2006 season was very mild and affected the days open and quality of ice. <br /> <br />Building Condition: <br />These buildings arc utilized for approximately three months out of thc year. Thcy arc closed and <br />used for storage the rest of the year. This has contributed to pest infestation and damagcs relatcd <br />to that. Thc buildings are also not aesthetically pleasing. Photos depicting the conditions of thc <br />warming houses are attached. (Attachment 7B-3) The PTRC has put off recommendation of <br />replacement of these buildings for numerous reasons but in particular, because they are only <br />utilized three months out of the year. It was dctermined in past discussions at various PTRC <br />meetings that Hazelnut and Frccway Park would not be good candidates for combination <br />wamling house/picnic structures (similar to Cummings Park) because the current wanning <br />houses are not in locations where picnicking would occur. ln these discussions, the PTRC <br />voiced concerns about investing large amounts of money on structures that arc only utilized three <br />months out ofthc year. The PTRC wanted to look at all possible options. Below arc options for <br />Hazelnut and Freeway parks: <br /> <br />(1) OPTION A: Repair existing buildings. <br /> <br />A building inspection report is ineluded with this memo. (Attachment 7B-4) <br /> <br />The recommended repairs for Freeway are estimated at $1,691 plus labor <br />(highest option). The recommended repairs for Hazelnut are estimated at $1,103 <br />plus lahol- (highest option). <br /> <br />For a specific breakdown of estimated repairs/supplies, please see the attached repair <br />cstimate from Jim Perron, Operations and Maintenance Superintendent. (Attachment <br />7B-5) <br /> <br />(2) OPTION B: Tear clown existing buildings and bring in mobile units each winter. <br />The size of the mohile unit is 8 n x 40 ft. <br />