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<br /> Management Discussion and Analysis - Continued <br /> April 14,2006 <br />. Governmental activities. Governmental activities increased the City's net assets by $1,077,374, thereby accounting for 92 <br /> percent of the total increase in the net assets of the City. Key elements of this increase are as follows: <br /> Changes in Net Assets <br /> Governmental Activities Business-type Activities <br /> Increase Increase <br /> 2005 2004 (Decrease) 2005 2004 (Decrease) <br /> Revenues <br /> Progmm Revenues <br /> Olarges for services $ 640,723 $ 811,754 $ (171.031) $ 2.604,087 $ 2,095,252 $ 508,835 <br /> Operating grants and <br /> contributions 65,649 183,727 (113,078) 17,869 18,489 (620) <br /> Capital grants and <br /> contributions 803,339 260,058 543,281 37,700 37,700 <br /> General Revenues <br /> Taxes <br /> PrOperlY taxes 2,303,598 2,260,261 43,337 <br /> Tax increments. 449,274 597,477 (148,203) <br /> Fmnchise 13xes 63,428 56,593 6,835 <br /> Gmots and contributions <br /> not restricted to <br /> specific programs 33)00 31,]46 2,154 <br /> Unrestricted investment <br /> eammgs 265,029 283,525 (l8,496) 5],777 58,944 (7.167) <br /> Gain on sale of <br /> capital assets 274,508 274,508 <br />. Total revenues 4,898,848 4,484,541 414,307 2,71 J,433 2,]72,685 538,748 <br /> Expenses <br /> Genera] government 978.463 934,322 44,141 <br /> Public safety 1,153,493 l,!<17,225 6,268 <br /> Public works 536,829 1,677,910 (1,141.081) <br /> Culture and recreation 668,885 467,]54 20],731 <br /> Economic]opmem 2]5,467 213,804 1.663 <br /> Miscel]aneous 181,257 269,] II (87.854) <br /> Interest on <br /> long~tenn debl 87,080 122,259 (35.179) <br /> Watel 1.321.076 1,201,108- 119,968 <br /> Sewer LI ]3,]89 975,768 137.421 <br /> Recycling 78.538 78,761 (223) <br /> Surface waler <br /> management 110,022 97,515 12,507 <br /> Total expenses 3,821.474 4,83],785 0.010,311) 2.622,825 2,353,]52 269,673 <br /> Change in net asseLs <br /> beforetr<J.llsfers ],077,374 (347)44) 1,424,618 88.608 (180,467) 269,075 <br /> Transfers (30)62) 30,762 30,762 (30,762) <br /> Change in net assets 1,077,374 (378.006) 1,455.380 88,608 (149,705) 238.313 <br /> Net assets, January 1 17,822,409 18,200,415 (378,006) ] 1.468.571 ] 1.910.895 (442,324) <br /> Prior period adjustment 901,778 901,778 (292,619) 292,6J9 <br /> Netassels. December3l S ]9,801,561 $ 17,822,409 $ 1,979,152 S If,557,179 $ 11,468,571 $ 88,60-8 <br />. <br /> ,VI, <br />