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<br />Management Discussion and Analysis - Continued <br />April ]4,2006 <br /> <br />Arh~ ~o.Ilowing graph depicts various governmental activities and shows the revenue and expenses directly related to those <br />~CtIVlt]es. <br /> <br />Expenses and Program Revenues - C..ovemmental Activities <br /> <br />$1,200,000 <br /> <br />$400,000 <br /> <br /> <br />$] .000,000 1- <br />i <br />$800,000 f <br />, <br />! <br />$6O(),ooo <br /> <br />$200,000 <br /> <br />$- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />---------r , , <br /> <br />Ceneral <br />govemrrcnt <br /> <br />Public safety Public work.., Culture and <br />recreation <br /> <br />Economic Miscellaneous lntcrcst on <br /> <br />developrrx::nt <br /> <br />long-terrn debt <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~enses . Program revenues <br /> <br />Revenues by Source - GQvennnental Activities <br /> <br />Taxes <br />!- 57.5% <br />r <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br /> <br />C'nnts and <br />contnbutions <br />unrestricted <br />0_7% <br />I <br /> <br />Capital grants and <br />contnbutions <br />16.4% <br /> <br />Operating grants and <br />contributions <br />].3% <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />Investl'oent earnings <br /> <br />Ga' If' 5.4% <br />ill on sa C 0 capnal <br />assets <br />5.6% <br /> <br />(barges for senlices <br />13.1% <br /> <br />_or the most part, increases in expenses closely paralleled inflation and grow1h in the demand for services, <br /> <br />-VB- <br />