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<br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />~ <br />~ILLS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />CC Agenda Item 7.C <br /> <br />June 8, 2006 <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />City Council <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />James Lchnhoff, City Planncr <br /> <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />PC #: 06-017 <br />Leonard Gallus <br />1104 Amble Drive <br />Site Plan Review <br /> <br />Baekl!.round <br /> <br />The applicant's properly, 1104 Amble Drive, is located at thc southwestern corner of Amble Drive <br />and Lexington A venue. The fl'ont of the house faces north toward Amble Drivc and the eastern side <br />of the house is adjacent to Lexington Avenue. To increase privacy and decrease noise from <br />Lexington A vcnue, the applicant is proposing to construct a 100 percent opaque fence along the <br />eastern side of the property facing Lexington A venue. <br /> <br />After the plmming case report was prepm'ed, the applicant submitted a revised site plan due to a <br />concern that thc tence may be encroaching on the pedestrian right-of-way at the nOltheastem comer <br />of the property (labeled as "easement fonner pedestrian way arca Arden Hills owned" on the site <br />plan). To ensure that the fence remains outside of the right-of-way, thc design of the fence was <br />changed as it approachcs Amblc Drivc. Approximately 36 feet from the edge of Amble Drive, the <br />fence is now proposed to angle into the property for about twcnty feet. At its closest, the proposed <br />fcnce would be twenty feet from Amble Drive. The revised site plan was rcviewed by the Planning <br />Commission and is in attachment 7C-2. <br /> <br />Although the eastern side of the house that faces Lexington A venue is a de facto side lot, the Zoning <br />Ordinance requires comer lots to maintain front yard requirements on both frontages (Section <br />2.D.79). While six foot high fences are permitted along side and rear lot lines, Scction 6.E.4 of the <br />Zoning Ordinance limits fences in the front yard to no more than three feet in height and requires <br />fences to bc 30 percent open lor light and air. <br /> <br />Under unusual circumstanccs, the Zoning Ordinance has a provision to allow deviations from the <br />fence regulation through the sitc plan review proccss. Section 6.E.4.n of the Zoning Ordinance <br />statcs: <br /> <br />Deviations from [the] requirements for fences, walls, and landscape screening may be <br />permitted after Planning Commission review and Council approval of a site plan with <br /> <br />'l'iil4etro-inel.lIs1,ardenhilis'IPlal11Jing'IPlanning Cases 1200fil,()o-() 17 - Gaiius Sile Plan Review (PEl'l'DLVG) 1060706 - CC Report -Gaiius Site Plan <br />Reviel'li.doc <br /> <br />Page] of3 <br />