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<br />docun1entation showing the unusual circumstances justifying the proposed deviation and <br />plans for the proposed fencc, wall, or landscape screening. This provision is intended to <br />allow flexibility in meeting the purpose and intent of this paragraph 4 without the necessity . <br />of providing a hardship as is required in the variance procedure. The objective of this <br />provision is to improve the livability, appearance and security of properlies and thcir <br />relationships to one another. <br /> <br />Reeommendation <br /> <br />The Planning Commission rcviewed Planning Case 06-017 and unanimously recommends approval <br />of the Site Plan Review to construct a six foot high fence within the front yard setback based on the <br />plans submitted and the eight findings off act. <br /> <br />Findings of Fact: <br /> <br />I. The proposed use will not affect parking conditions aJ1d is unlikely to affect traffic flow <br />in the surrounding area. <br />2. The proposed use will not produce any additional noise, glare, odors, vibration, smoke, <br />dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid waste, or any other nuisance characteristics. <br />However, the fence is likely to reduce noise, glare, dust, and other nuisances for the <br />subject property. <br />3. Thc proposed use will not affect drainage, <br />4, The proposed use will not af1ect the population density ofthe neighborhood. <br />5. Thc proposed use is compatible with adjacent properlies and other propelties along <br />Lexington A venue. Many propCrlies along Lexington A vcnuc between Highway 96 aJ1d <br />Amble Drive already have a privacy fence. The fence on the subject properly would be <br />similar in style and height to the other fences along Lexington A venue. The other fences <br />along Lexington A venue are also 100 percent opaque. It is unlikely the fence would have <br />any negative impact on neighboring properlies or the City, <br />6. The park dedication fee does not apply. <br />7, rfthe City finds that there m'e unusual circumstances in this parlicular application, then <br />the proposed use is in conformance with the requirements of the Zoning OrdinaJ1ce. The <br />Comprehcnsive Development Plan does not comment on fences, <br />8. The fence will likely increasc the livability and security of the applicant's propcrty <br />without disrupting the adjacent properties or travelers on Lexington Avenue. Based on <br />the facts of this case, it is determined that unusual circumstances do exist that may <br />warrant the proposed deviations from the fence regulations based on the following: <br />a. High traffic levels on Lexington Avenue create unusually high noise and reduce <br />privacy compared to most other rcsidential properties in the neighborhood and <br />City. The proposcd fence would increase privacy and help to reduce some noise; <br />b. The front yard requirements apply to two sides ofthe lot, which significantly <br />reduces the ability to reduce noise and increase privacy with a fence; and, <br />c, The fences on the other residential properlies along Lexington A venue are located <br />in the rear yard where a six foot high fence is permitted. Only one other properly, <br />which is located across the street at 1105 Amble Drive, is in comparable situation <br />to the applicant's property. <br /> <br />Ili14r?tro-inCI.US'lardenhillsIPlanllingIPlanninf!, Cases',2()()6i06-0f7 - Gal/us Site Plan Review (PcNDINGjl.060706 - CC Report -Gallus Site Plan <br />Review.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 00 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />, <br />