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<br />Discussion <br /> <br />The Planning Commission did have a brief discussion regarding the parking lot and the existing . <br />metal columns at the northeastern entrance to the building. A number of properlies in the B-4 <br />Zone do not have full curbs in the parking lot, including the parking lot at 1212 Red Fox Road, <br />At this time, the app1icaJ1t is not proposing aJ1Y chaJ1ges to the parking lot except for re-striping, <br />Some members of the Commission stated that upgrading the parking lot would be desirable; <br />howcver, it was not included as a condition because of concerns that drainage may be negatively <br />impacted and it would add undue hardship and delay to the applicant. <br /> <br />However, should the applicaJ1t wish to expand the impervious surface of the parking lot to add <br />morc than four new parking spots at some point in the future, thc Zoning OrdinaJ1ce would <br />rcquire a new site plan revicw. If the applicaJ1t applies for a site plan review for a parking lot <br />expansion, it may be appropriate to investigate the possibility of adding a curb to the parking lot <br />at that time. <br /> <br />The second portion of the discussion focused on the proposcd changes to the fal(ade of tl1e <br />building. While it was agrced that the proposed changcs would enhaJ1ce the look of the building, <br />some of the Commission membcrs expresscd a desire to have the metal columns at the <br />norlheastem entraJ1CC be encased in brick similar (0 the columns at the main entrance. Although <br />the Planning Commission did not include this desire as a condition for approval, it is conceivable <br />that such a condition could be added if it is deemed that additional brick would advance thc <br />aesthetic goals of the B-4 Zone (see thc attached planning case reporl for additional information <br />rcgarding thc B-4 Zone), <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Reeommcndation <br /> <br />The PlaJ1ning Commission rcviewed Planning Case 06-018 m1d unanimously recommends <br />approval ofthc Site Plan Review to modify the cxterior of the building at 1212 Red Fox Road <br />based on the submitted plans and the nine findings of fact. <br /> <br />Findings of Fact: <br /> <br />I. The proposed exterior modifications to 1212 Red Fox Road will create a more decorative <br />building than most of thc other buildings in the B-4 Zone, Although the other buildings in <br />the B-4 Zone have fewer architectural features, the proposed modifications will likely <br />increase the visual image ofthe Red Fox Road and Dunlap A venue intersection, The office <br />buildings in the neighboring I-Flex Zone are higher end office buildings and will be <br />compatible with the proposed modifications. <br />2. Since the size of the building and arrangement on the lot is not changing, the mass, geometry, <br />and arrangement ofthe site will not change, The proposed color and materials are different <br />than othcr buildings in the B-4 Zone and adjoining properties; however, they are not <br />incompatible. Most of the buildings in the B-4 Zone are standard brick buildings, most of <br />which are tan in color, with very little decoration and few architectural enhancements. <br />3, The proposed changes will not affect parking conditions or tratIic. <br /> <br />\'\anlenhills''?lanning\Planning Cases\2006W6-0J8 - 1212 LIe Site Plan Review (PEl'lDING) \060706 - CC Reporl- f2 /2 lIe sile . <br />plan revie,v.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />