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<br />2006 PMP <br />6/8/2006 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Bituminous costs also contributed to the incrcasc in roadway costs. Engineering costs for the <br />project are estimated at $393,310, resulting in a total projcct cost of $2,201 ,894.32. <br /> <br />We have found a number of areas where we can reduce the scope without compromising the <br />integrity of the project. In addition to thcsc rcductions, we identified a few othcr line items that <br />have the potential for reductions, however, we recommcnd that we manage these quantities <br />through construction observation. As a result, we propose the following reductions in the <br />contract quantities, <br /> <br />. We found that the common excavation quantity includcd in the bid had not been adjusted to <br />reflect our pavement cross section, This quantity can be reduced for a total roadway cost <br />reduction of$12,269.40 and reduce the engineering cost by $2,576.57. <br />. We were able to reduce the storm scwer costs through a reduction of 12" pipe quantity, <br />switching from arch pipe to round pipe and eliminating the construction of a new outlet to <br />Lake Johamla from the Island Beach Club wetlaJ1d. We havc televised the existing pipe <br />outlet and modeled the flow, The results of this investigation indicate that there is no need <br />to replace this pipe, since it is in good stmctural shape and has adequate capacity, These <br />quantities can bc reduccd for a total storm sewcr cost reduction of $45,422.46 and reduce the <br />cngineering cost by $9,538.72. <br />. We reevaluated the scope of the watelllain work on this project and determined that we . <br />could reduce the number of hydrants aJ1d valves being replaced. We are still proposing to <br />replace the watermain on Arden Place, the line that has had a number of breaks over the <br />years. However, we have inventoried the condition of the hydrants and valves on the rest of <br />the project and detennined that they all do not need replacing at this timc. These qUaJ1tities <br />can be reduced for a total watcrmain cost reduction of $60,998 and reduce the engineering <br />cost by $12,809.58. <br /> <br />W c are working with properly owners on utility easemcnt acquisition and do not anticipate any <br />additional costs for these easements. The City's pOrlion of the project costs are currently <br />budgeted from the General Capital Fund and Utility Enterprise Funds (sanitary sewer, stOlll <br />sewer and watemJain funds), The following shows a breakdown and comparison of feasibility <br />estimates, engineer's estimatc bascd on thc final plans, the low bid, and the reviscd bid. <br />Engineering costs arc included in the total amounts. <br /> <br />Improvemcnts Feasibility Enginccr's Construction Rcvised Bid <br /> Estimate Estimate Bid <br />Roadway $1,100,000,00 51,142,739.14 51,215,425.91 $1,200,579,94 <br />Storm Sewer $ 410,000,00 $ 458,524.94 $ 605,988.41 $ 551,026,87 <br />Sanitary Sewer $ 82,000,00 $ 90,948.50 $ 89,364.00 $ 89,364.00 <br />Watermain $ 160,000.00 $ 220,005,84 $ 291,116,00 $ 217,30842 <br />Easement Acquisition $ 12,000,00 5 000 5 0,00 $ 0.00 <br />TOTAL $1,764,000,00 5 I ,918,] 6842 52,201,894,32 $2,OS8~?792l . <br />