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<br />2. The proposed tank will not create any noise, odors, or have any noticeable visual impact. <br />3. The proposed use will have no affect on drainage or population density. <br />4. The applicant proposes to extend the existing fcnce twelve feet south to fully screen the . <br />proposed tank from adjacent properties. The fence around the air handling units and thc <br />vegetation to the south will almost fully screen the nitrogen tank area from Round Lake <br />Road and Interstate 35W. <br />5. It is unlikely that the proposed tank would affect land values. <br />6. Park dedications do not apply in this case. <br />7. The proposed use is not contradictory to the Comprehensive Plan or the intent of the <br />Ordinance. <br /> <br />Recommended Conditions: <br /> <br />The Planning Commission and Staffrecommcnd that the approval be subject to the following <br />four conditions: <br /> <br />1. The applicant shall continue to abide by the conditions of approvallistcd in Special Use <br />Permit #96-12, 97-23, 00-40, 01-08, 02-33, 06-003 and any othcr approved permits. <br />(Permits 01-12a and 01-12b have expired and do not apply.) <br />2. The applicant shall be required to obtain all ncccssary building pennits before <br />construction begins. <br />3. The fencing around the additional nitrogen tank shall be install cd as proposed <br />immediately after installation ofthc nitrogen tank. <br />4. The proposal shall be subject to review and approval hy the Fire Marshal. . <br /> <br />Resident Comment: <br /> <br />Slaffhas not received any public comments regarding this application. <br /> <br />Options <br /> <br />I. Approve the proposal as submitted. <br />2. Approve the proposal with conditions. <br />3. Deny the application with reasons for denial. If the City denies the petitioncrs request, ".. .it <br />must state in writing the reasons lor the denial at the time it denies the requcst." <br />4. Tablc lor additional information. <br /> <br />Deadline for Al!encv Actions <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hills rcceived the completed application for this request on June 20, 2006. <br />Pursuant to Minnesota State Statue, the City must act on this request by August 20, 2006 (60 <br />days), unlcss the City provides the petitioner with written reasons for and additional 60 day <br />\\/lIetro..inct.uslardenhillsIPJalllJingIPianning Ca:;esI2006W6-019 Celesfica SUP Amendment (PENDING) ',07 /306 - CC Report Celcstica site <br />plan review.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br /> <br />. <br />