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CCP 07-31-2006
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CCP 07-31-2006
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Creation date
11/15/2006 10:10:41 AM
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<br />2. The proposed cxterior modifications to 3755 Dunlap Avenue will likely increase the <br />uscfulness of the building for the existing office and warehouse use. The applicant is not <br />proposing any other changes or upgrades to the exterior of the building. . <br />3. The proposed modifications are compatible with the other buildings in the B-4 Zonc in <br />ternlS lot anangement and design. Eight ofthe other nine buildings in the B-4 Zone havc <br />loading docks (Attachment 3B-2). Six ofthe eight buildings havc four or more loading <br />docks. The building immediately north ofthc subject property has 18 loading docks and <br />the building to the south of the subjcct property has four loading docks. <br />4. Thc vehicular and pedestrian circulation will be similar in charactcr to the other buildings <br />in the B-4 Zone. <br />5. The existing mTangement on the lot produccs congestion on the site becausc ofthe <br />limited access to the warehouse portion of the building which causes trucks to wait on the <br />site for reloading. The addition of the proposed dock doors may help reducc congestion <br />and tnlck idling on the lot. <br /> <br />On the Design Requirements of the B-4 Zone: <br />6. The mass of the sitc will not change and the color of the building has not bcen proposed <br />to change. The existing color is similar to other buildings in the B-4 Zone. The proposed <br />loading dock doors will he similar to the existing dock doors. <br /> <br />On the Special Use Permit Evaluation Criteria: <br />7. The proposed modilication will not reduce parking on the site. There is sufficicnt space <br />lix additional parking to accommodate all ofthc employees at the rear of the lot The <br />additional loading dock doors may reduce truck traffic congestion on the site due to better <br />access to the warehouse and fastcr loading and unloading times. . <br />8. The proposed modification is unlikely to produce any pernlanent increase in noise, glare, <br />odors, vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid waste, or any other <br />nuisancc characteristics. Therc may be temporary dust or odors during construction. <br />9. The proposed modification will not affect drainage. The western portion of the lot drains <br />toward Dunlap A venue and the eastern portion of ti,e lot drains toward the rear of the lot. <br />Therc are no known drainage issues and drainage will not bc altered with this proposal. <br />10. Thc proposed use will not affect the population dcnsity of the neighborhood. <br />II. The proposed exterior modifications to 3755 Dunlap Avenue will likely have a neutral <br />affect on adjacent propcrties or the City as a whole. <br />12. The park dedication fec does not apply to this project. <br />13. The propos cd modifications are in conformance with the requirements of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. The proposed modifications are not in conflict with the Comprehensive <br />Development Plan. <br />14. Thc paint on the building has been stained hy rust and thc light on the south side of the <br />building is broken. <br /> <br />Recommended Conditions: <br /> <br />The Planning Commission and Staff recommend that the approval bc subject to thc following <br /> <br />six conditions: <br /> <br />iiMetni-ine{_ilslnrdCl1hi{{sIPlalHlingWlanning (,'asesll()06I06-020 City Insula/lOll site plan reviel"v (Pl:.NDING)I07! 306 _ CCReporl- Cify <br />Insulation sill.' plan revie\vdoc <br /> <br />Page 2 on <br /> <br />. <br />
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