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<br />8. Any extension of City services for the new lot shall be subjcct to rcvicw and approval by <br />the City Enginccr and all associatcd costs shall be the responsibility of the applicant. <br />9. Erosion control measures shall be installed before any grading or construction begins and . <br />shall be maintaincd and remain in place until groundcover is reestahlished and <br />construction is finished. <br />10. All non-conforming structures shall bc removed as indicated on the site plan before the <br />final plat is filed and beforc any building permits are issued. It; howcvcr, this is not <br />possible, the developcr shall post a financial surety with the City to ensure removal <br />within one year from the approval of the final plat <br />II. The applicant shall submit an approved road acccss permit from Ramsey County before <br />the final plat is approved. <br />12. Any changes to the grading or erosion control plan shall be subject to approval by the <br />City Engineer. <br />] 3. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Rice Creek Watershed District, <br />Ramsey County, the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Rcsources and any other <br />govcming agencies where applicable bcfore the final plat is approved. <br />14. The applicant shall provide an as-built survey upon completion ofthe projcct. <br />15. The address for the existing dwelling Lot 4 shall bc changed to a Thorn Drive address <br />from the current New Brighton Road address. <br />16. The applicant shall work with the Arden Hills City Planncr and Arden Hills City Forester <br />to savc as many existing quality, well placcd, and healthy trees as possible. <br />17. The certificate of occupancy for Lot I shall be continent upon successfiJI implcmentation <br />of the drainage and grading plan as determined by thc City Engineer. <br /> <br />Options . <br /> <br />I. Approve the preliminary plat as submitted. <br />2. Approve the preliminary plat with conditions. <br />3. Deny the application with reasons for denial. If the City dcnies the petitioners request, "... it <br />must state in writing the reasons for the denial at the lime it denies the request." <br />4. Table the entire application for additional information. The application cannot be tabled <br />without permission from the applicant. The City has already used the permittcd additional <br />sixty day review period. <br /> <br />As noted above, the variance application was withdrawn at the request of the applicant at the <br />Planning Commission meeting. <br /> <br />Dcadline for A2encv Actions <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hills rcccived the completed application for this rcquest on April 10,2006. <br />Pursuant to Minnesota Statc Statute, the City was required to act on this request by June 10,2006 <br />(60 days). However, the City provided the petitioner with a written notice extending the <br />deadline an additional sixty days. The City must now act on this request by August 10,2006. <br />The City may, with the petitioners' consent, extcnd the review period beyond August 10, 2006. <br /> <br />\\Metro-ine(l,d,ardcnhi1lsIPlnnningil'lanning C(/SI':,';'12006W6-0/3 Amitip.s Coast Preliminlll)' Nat & Variance (PF/v'f)fNG)W72406 - CC Report _ . <br />(Unilies plat & variance. doc <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />