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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A utility easement vacation requires a public hearing and approval from the City Council. If the <br />preliminary plat is approved, the public hcaring lor the utility easement vacation will be <br />scheduled prior to or in combination with the final plat review. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />The Planning Commission reviewed Planning Casc #06-013 and recommends approval (4-0 with <br />one abstention) of the preliminary plat based on the submitted plans and the following five <br />findings of fact: <br /> <br />Zoning Ordinance Findings: <br />I. The preliminary plat proposal meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the <br />underlying R-2 Zonc, including minimum lot size, lot width, and lot dcpth. <br />2. All four lots in the preliminary plat arc capablc of accommodating a dwelling that <br />meets all required setbacks and covcrage limits withOllt a variance. <br /> <br />Subdivision Ordinance Findings: <br />3. The proposed Lots mcct or exceed all of the requirements of the City of Ardcn Hills <br />Subdivision Codc. <br />4. All four lots are adjacent to thc public right-ol~way and capable of supporting <br />separate driveways if the variance for a shared access point is denied. <br />5. A park dedication fee will be required for this subdivision proposal. <br /> <br />Recommended Conditions: <br /> <br />The Planning Commission and StafTrecommcnd that the approval be subjcct to the following <br />seventecn conditions: <br />1. Thc preliminary plat shall bc contingent upon approval of a request to vacate a portion of <br />the utility easemcnt for the driveway on proposed Lot 3. <br />2. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City Codc and related <br />ordinances. <br />3. The applicant shall submit thc final plat and application to the City of Ardcn Hills within <br />thrce months of the preliminary plat approval date or the approval shall expire unless an <br />extension is grant cd by the Planning Commission. The final plat shall reflect all changes <br />required in the conditions of approval for the preliminary plat. <br />4. Thc project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submittcd as pal1 of the <br />preliminary plat application. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by <br />the City Planner, shall requirc rcview and approval by the Planning Commission. <br />5. Thc applicant shall include a 12 foot drainage and utility easement centered on all <br />common lot lines, and a 12 foot drainage and utility easement along the right-of~way. <br />6. The applicant shall pay a park dedication fee as determined by the City Council at the <br />time the final plat is approved. <br />7. The applicant shall amend the fInal plat to bc in conformance with all of the comments <br />from the July 3'", 2006, memo thc City Engineer. <br /> <br />1"I,~Jelro~ille{,usl.rJr{t(,lThil!s\Planl1ingiPfn}lning Coses\2006106-013 Amities C()fW PrelimilTmy PIal & Variance (PENDI/v'Ci)I072406 - CC Report <br />nmilies plat & variance. doc <br />Page 3 0[5 <br />