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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 12, 2006 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />PLANNING CASE 06-013: VARIANCE AND PRELIMINARY PLAT; AMITIES <br />COAST LLC; 3685 & 3695 NEW BRIGHTON ROAD (CONTINUATION) <br /> <br />Mr. LchnholI stated the applicant was requesting a revised preliminary plat application to <br />reconfigure two existing lots at 3685 and 3695 New Brighton Road into lour lots. The <br />request also includes a variance from the Zoning Ordinance to allow Lots I and 2 to <br />partially share a driveway and an access point to New Brighton Road. He noted the <br />preliminary plat is not contingent upon approval of the variance. He indicated in <br />Planning Case 06-013 staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat based on the <br />cight findings of fact and submitted plans, provided that the City Council approves a <br />partial vacation ofthc utility easement ft1r the proposcd driveway on Lot 3, and lots in the <br />subdivision meet or exceed all of the requirements of the underlying R-2 Zone. <br /> <br />He indicated while the requested variance is unlikely to have a negative impact on tbe <br />adjacent properties or the City, staff cannot rccommcnd approval of the variance due to <br />thc lack of a bona fide hardship. Staff did speak with Dan Soler [rom Ramsey County <br />prior to the meeting, and they were not in support of the variance. If the Planning <br />Commission does recommend approval of the variance, findings supporting the approval <br />should be cited. <br /> <br />Once the preliminary plat is approved by the City, no additional conditions related to the <br />design of the preliminary plat can be addcd. The final plat is simply a review process to <br />ensure that the changes requircd in thc prcliminary plat have been made. Staff proposes <br />the following sixteen conditions if approval of the preliminary plat is recommended to <br />the City Council: <br /> <br />1. The preliminary plat shall be contingent upon approval of a rcquest to vacate a <br />portion of the utility easement from tbe driveway on proposed Lot 3. <br />2. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City Code and related <br />ordinances. <br />3. The applicant shall submit the final plat and application to the City of Arden Hills <br />within three months of the preliminary plat approval date or the approval shall expire <br />unless an extension is granted by the Planning Commission. The final plat shall <br />renect all changes required in the conditions of approval for the preliminary plat. <br />4. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submittcd as part of thc <br />preliminary plat application. Any significant changcs to thcse plans, as determined <br />by the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. <br />5. The applicant shall inelude a 12-foot drainage and utility easement along the right-of- <br />way. <br />6. The applicant shall pay a park dcdication fce as dctcrmincd by thc City Council at the <br />time the final plat is approved. <br />7. The applicant shall amend the final plat to be in conformancc with all of the <br />comments from the July 3,2006 memo from the City Engineer. <br /> <br />DRAft <br />