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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 12,2006 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />8. Any extension of City services for the new lot shall be subject to review and approval . <br />by the City Engineer and all associated costs shall be the responsibility of the <br />applicant. <br />9. Erosion control measures shall be installed before any grading or construction begins <br />and shall be maintained and remain in place until groundcover is reestablished and <br />construction is finished. <br />10. All non-conlonning structurcs shall be removed as indicated on tbe site plan beforc <br />thc Ilnal plat is filed and before any building permits are issued. If, however, this is <br />not possible, the developer shall post a financial surety with thc City to ensure <br />removal within one year from the approval of this final plat. <br />II. The applicant shall submit an approvcd road access pernlit from Ramsey County <br />before thc final plat is approved. <br />12. Any changes to the grading or erosion control plan shall bc subjcct to approval by the <br />City Engineer. <br />13. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Rice Creek Watershcd <br />District, Ramsey County, the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, <br />and any other govcrning agencies wherc applicable before the final plat is approved. <br />14. The applicant shall provide an as-built survey [lpOn completion of the project. <br />15. The address for the existing dwclling Lot 4 shall be changed to a Thom Drive address <br />from thc current New Brighton Road address. <br />16. The applicant shall work with the Arden Hills City Planner and Arden Hills City <br />Forester to save as many existing quality, well placed, and healtllY trees as possible. <br /> <br />If the variance is approved, stalfwould recommend the following additional condition: . <br /> <br />1. The applicant shall prepare a maintenance agreement for the shared driveway and <br />access point for Lots 1 and 2. <br /> <br />He indicated staff has not received any ofllcial letters or telephone calls from property <br />owners or occupants in regard to this planning case. <br /> <br />He statcd he had spoken with the applicant aftcr his report had been prepared. Thc <br />applicant indicated hc would contemplate withdrawing the variance and eliminating the <br />sharcd driveway and instead have two driveways. <br /> <br />Chair Sand asked if the variance was only for the shared drivcway issue. Mr. Lehnhoff <br />responded that was correct. <br /> <br />Chair Sand asked if thc applicant was considering deviating from the proposal for the <br />shared driveway and instead have two driveways. Mr. Lehnhoff rcsponded he had <br />spokcn with the applicant's engineer who had indicated the applicant was willing to put <br />in two separate driveways, but the variance application has not been withdrawn so the <br />Commission would still nccd to consider thc variance request, unless the applicant <br />withdrew that request at tonight's meeting. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />