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<br />SECTION II <br /> <br />Termination <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A) Roseville shall have the right to terminatc this contract in the event Arden Hills fails to pay <br />charges to which Roscville is entitled under this contract; Roscvillc gives written notice to <br />Arden Hills sctting forth the default; and Arden Hills, within sixty days, fails to redcem or <br />dcmand arbitration pursuant to Section XI if the amount is disputed. <br /> <br />B) Either party shall have the right to tcrminatc this contract upon the occurrence of any of the <br />following evcnts: <br /> <br />1) If federal or state laws arc cnacted which substantially and adversely affect rights, <br />dutics or obligations of either party under this contract, but in the cancellation for <br />such cause either party shall give the other party at least one year's written notice <br />of cancellation, unless the giving of such notice by a party is prevented by the <br />superior law refcrrcd to herein_ <br /> <br />2) One party fails to comply with any obligation of this contract and thc other party <br />gives written notice setting forth the default; the defaulting party fails, within <br />ninety days, to correct thc dcfault or demand arbitration pursuant to Section XI, if <br />the default is disputed_ <br /> <br />3) Either party fails to comply with an award pursuant to Section XL <br /> <br />4) If the aloresaid contract, markcd Exhibit "A" is terminated by either St. Paul or . <br />Roseville and in such cvcnt, a party secking tcrmination to the contract agrees to <br />transmit to the other, any and all notices pertaining to such proposed termination. <br /> <br />C) The right to ternlinate by eithcr party shall not be an exclusivc rcmedy and either party <br />retains all remedics regardless of its decision to terminate_ <br /> <br />SECTION III <br /> <br />Water Service <br /> <br />A) Roseville agrees to furnish and dcliver to Ardcn Hills its water requirement on a demand <br />basis. Demand basis is defined as a continuous supply of water for 24 hours a day at the <br />Rosevillc line pressure. Arden Hills shall provide supplemental pumpage to meet pressure <br />requirements for the Al-den Hills system. <br /> <br />B) Roscville agrees to supply Arden Hills with the water which shall be the same treated <br />water supplied by St. Paul, and Roscville undcrtakes no responsibility for the quality of <br />said water other than transmitting it to Arden Hills with reasonable carc to prevent <br />contamination and pollution. <br /> <br />C) Roseville's obligation to supply water on a demand basis is qualified by the requirement <br />that Arden Hills maintain construct peak hour storage with the necessary regulatory <br />apparatus to permit each city to temporarily opcratc off thc othcr's water tower during <br />pcriods when one tower is out of service for painting, repairing, or similar reasons. During . <br />5B€fi-periods as RosB'..ille thus opcrates off thc i\rden Hills tower brought into Arden Hills <br />ffem.-thc Roseville system will not be metered as pro'lided elsewhere in this contract. For <br />such period 0 f opcrati0fl the volume of '.vater for which /,rden Hills must pay Roseville f-or <br /> <br />2 <br />