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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />an cqual period just prcceding GIld just following the pm'iod of such tcmporary use of the <br />Ardcn Hills water towcr by Roseyille. Arden Hills shall maintain I'fIOOt the construction <br />requirement hcrcin by submitting to Roscvillc any plans for modifications 8ollstnwtioll of <br />the a pump control system within Arden Hills which can bc used to operate Roseville's <br />booster pump control system. Such plans and specifications shall be dccmcd approved by <br />Roseville unless written objection hereto is made by Roseville within 20 days after receipt <br />of the same. <br /> <br />D) During such periods that the meters measuring water flow to and from Arden Hills are <br />inoperable or out of service for repair, the volume of water for which Arden Hills must pay <br />Roseville shall be detennined from an equal period iust ])receding and iust following the <br />temporary pcriod. <br /> <br />SECTION IV <br /> <br />Financial Oblil!ation of Arden Hills <br /> <br />A) Arden Hills agrees to indemnify Roscvillc for all costs Roseville is obligated to pay for <br />increasing the capacity 0 r supply lines resulting from Ardcn Hills' needs. betwecll St. <br />Paul's McCarrOll's Pumpillg Station and the site or the Dale Etrcct Rcscrvoir and <br />additiollal storage capacity at the Dale Strcet Reson-oir site as Roseville is required-!e-pay <br />by reason of Exhibit "cn, and Rosc;ille-agrccs that /.rden Hills '.vill be 80llsultcd in the <br />selection of tfie-eoHSBlting-engiBecr as pnwideckm page 5 of Exhibit "C' <br /> <br />B) Arden Hills shall have the sanle option payment plan to pay Roseville that Roseville has to <br />pay St. Paul according to the attached exhibits A. Roseville agrees to use its best efforts to <br />notify Arden Hills of all communications it receives from the City of St. Paul bearing upon <br />this financial obligation. <br /> <br />SECTION V <br /> <br />Scrvicc bv Roscvillc to Othcr Municipalities <br /> <br />A) Roscville agrees it will not sell water to any municipality until thc other municipality <br />agrees as follows: In the event Roseville is required to increase water capacity as provided <br />in Section N and Exhibit "cn hereof, and the water requirement of Roseville and Arden <br />Hills at all pertinent times UIlEler Exhibit "C" is less than 28 million gallons per day, then <br />the new municipality shall have the same obligation of indcmnification of Roseville as is <br />assumed by Arden Hills in Section N hereof, which obligation of the new mlmicipality <br />shall be a primary obligation as between Arden Hills and the new municipality, and the <br />new municipality shall indcmnify Ardcn Hills against any cost or claim, including <br />attorney's fees, incurred by Arden Hills under said Section IV. <br /> <br />B) In the evcnt Roseville is required to increasc water capacity pursuant to E;:hibit "c" <br />Section N hereof under circumstances other than as set forth in the preceding paragraph, <br />then the cost assumed by Arden Hills ard the new municipality shall be on the basis of <br />peak potential usage of water by Arden Hills and the new municipality_ <br /> <br />3 <br />