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<br />r <br /> <br />:". <br /> <br />{ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />f-, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />l''- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />Council Mlnufes <br /> <br />-6. , <br /> <br />Nov. 8,' .911 > <br /> <br />7. l.and Use <br />John Hollenhorsf - Phyllis <br /> <br />i <br />i <br />0' men <br />i <br /> <br />..,~ <br /> <br />Police Dep~rtmenf Employee <br /> <br />COllncl I requested that Lt. Sexton obt~ln a lett.r ,.port froll,tlle <br />Village of Rosevllle on a proposed new VIllage empl~yee. <br /> <br />Cable tv <br /> <br />Mayor Crepeau reviewed 8 tefferof November 2, 1971i frolll Rosey-flle <br />regarding CATV. The Council agree~ that a letter b. sent to ,tile <br />Metro League stating that the Arden Hills Council fevors the study <br />of CATV by the Metro League of MunicipalitIes fo see tllat scllool <br />district and library programs ere protected and to request the League <br />to Inform us If anything further comes which might .ffect th.lll~ <br /> <br />Letters to Arden Hills Police Oepartment <br /> <br />Mayor Crepeeu read l!I letter c,f commendation to the Arden Hills Pollc., <br />Department from the Arden Hills Jay.cees. <br /> <br />A letter was read from Shorevlew's Mayor F.rrellt".....tnll th./u'.n <br />Hi I 15 Police Department for the cooperetlon CHid efficient help whe. <br />the TV tower col tepsed. Cl,erk Adminlstretorto the I.tter <br />stating that Arden Hills Is happy to be of help at ~ny time. <br /> <br />Solid Waste Symposium <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator was asked to get an Arden Hills representative to <br />attend tile Solid Waste 5YIIIP081uIII1'o be held at 81 oofillngtoR cn$eturday, <br />November 14, from 9:00 8.m. to 4:00 p.llI. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMIN1StR.ATOR LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Census <br /> <br />Mr.. 5tromqulstreported that she has been worklng.lth the. St. Paul <br />and Washington, D.C. Census Bureaus t6 obtain an a~nded 1910 census <br />cOllnt ior I\rden HI lis due to apparent discrepancies. It ."''''1''' <br />frolll available figures that 113 people at the Beth.~ dormltory,.m:! <br />24 mobile home units at Arden Manor lIIay not have been tabuJated to <br />Arden Hills. We sllould have an answer from the Bur,eau wlthl'n <br />a week or two. <br /> <br />Claims <br /> <br />Motion was made by Henderson, seconded by Hollenhor9t, that the clal_s <br />end accounts as listed ior November 1971 be approved as submitted ; <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Claims not Listed on November Accounts list <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hollenhorst, seconded by Olmen, that the GldeQ <br />Construction Co. claim In the amount of $4,059.10 not be,p.ldUAfll <br />clarification 11"011I the bonding c01!lpeny, and sUbsequeint approval of <br />the Village Attorney; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mot Ion was made by Herr I ck, seconded by Hollenhorst,i tllat the J. Belal r <br />Construction Co. claim for $33,653.88 for thePerrv iPark Contr/llct, be <br />approved for payment; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Motion was made by OllilGn,seconded by Hollenhorst, tlhat the.J. Belelr <br />Construction Co. claim for landscaping In the emoun" of $1,500 be <br />epproved forpaymsnt, retaining $403.49; Illotlon carr'led unanImously. <br /> <br />An Actuarial Report for the Llilke Johanna Voluntee,rFilre Depart...nt <br />Relr'ef Association, dated August 20, 1971, was referred to t".,"nanee <br />COlllml ttee, Ord I nance Re view Comllll tte., and tile Pub II ic Safety Co_I ft.e <br />for their review. ' , <br /> <br />