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<br />. <br /> <br />'i. <br /> <br />t'o <br />t~ <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />" <br />f~ <br /> <br />Coynel i Minutes <br /> <br />~} . <br />" 'J.~ - <br />'No"~$. 19'7' ,t <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />In driving habIts <br />policing agencies <br />dltlons. <br /> <br />Counc I I man Herrl ck reported that II new type materl a, Is 0'.'0& lISect" <br />successfully. and that Information wll I be lIle.I.4 ...., U. so'fturt 1.1' <br />can be used on a trial besls. The Council felt It "ould be well <br />worth try I 09. When the Iltentu,.e Is rece I ved, Its to be sent fo <br />the CouncIl and the PublIc Works Committee. <br /> <br />and In the reporting of IcIng con <br />whom RamSey County relies on to r <br /> <br />.tions'bY 1''''- <br />port sUq"h. con.. <br /> <br />1971-72 Winter Road MaIntenance Policies Villa. 0 Arden I 1s <br /> <br />Councilman Olmen reported that VI IIage streets will b. senile" <br />than last year and pi 0"'8d a I I 1'1' I e more often tllen !ley were befOl'e. <br />He stated thet he does not have a sufficient number of employees to <br />keep the job done and that the maintenance depertme~t will nee. more <br />help. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN RPNAlD HERRICK - Parks and R.crieetlon. Hu... Rlgtlts, <br />' and Ordlnlfnce IRevll,w <br /> <br />Resolution - ProDerty Assessments to County <br /> <br />The .proposed resolutIon was tabled to be consIdered .1' 8 future date. <br /> <br />Oak W I It Surv.y <br /> <br />Counclllllan Herrick rep'0l"1'8d tllet 158 r.d oaks and 6' ",h It. Oaks ,have <br />been marked by the Un.....rslty of MInnesota SUl"V,y c,,",w foroall wilt <br />this season. This repre~ents III reduction of 50$ ov.r festye.r. b.t, <br />Is stl" consIdered a' high', rete of oak wilt ~lsa8s..i H. reported <br />that notices have been In,elled to property owilers of tha diseased .~k <br />trees. 0- <br /> <br />IIIr. Hollenhorst felt t~at the Jaycees could provide'. "".'uabl.VII'.';e <br />service, If the., could perform an 08k tree cutting ,proJect."r. HerrIck <br />to check. wi th them to deite,rml ne whet size proJect th.y IIttgllt be .b:.~,: <br />to hendle. A wood chipper or shredder cou,Idposslbly be bought. Clerk <br />Administrator to cell Ramsev County to see If theyh~ve one tll.~w. <br />could rent, buy, or hire for services. ' <br /> <br />Mr. Herrick further reported briefly on a polisJble n.._ process to <br />ellmlnete diseased oak trees. They can be bermed _11h a certain <br />substance" after ",h I ch they can be cut up and burned I for fI relloo'.d. <br /> <br />Dedication of Shorevle. Ic. Arena <br /> <br />Mr. Herrick ,reported that he and John Hollenhorst at1'iended a cledlcatlon <br />of the Ice arena at the Invitation of the county. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Gove~,nment lInd <br />Public SlIfet~ <br /> <br />legislatIve Study Committee. Metro league <br /> <br />Mayor Cr.peau recommended"end the Council approved.,t"'e follo.ln9,eopl. <br />as nominees to the Metro league legislative Study Com~lttee for the <br />1973 session: <br /> <br />I. Government Structure <br />Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. - John Hbllenhorst <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />Government Finance <br />Gray Henderson - Bob Devls - OJck O;Kelly <br /> <br />Utility Regulations <br />Stan Olmen - Gray Henderson <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />Housing <br />John Hollenhorst - RiChard Bartsch <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />TransportatIon <br />Shl rley Wingert <br /> <br />6. Environment <br />Ron Herr I c:k - Glenn eeggln <br />-'5- <br />