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<br />} <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ ' <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'i.-';_~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'tI l rage C~HHlci I Minl.ltss <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />Nov. 29, 1971 <br /> <br />Coma:! lroer. Olmsn and Hpllsllhorst steted they felt thet the largest <br />p~rt of the cost should be paid by Ilssessments,bUf ,that someparf <br />of It coule! probl!bly be paid with genenl hX$s. <br /> <br />Rogsr Railing revlowed'the teet thet the Public Works Committee <br />rocomll1ended 'that the project be paid from general taxes. He s8,1<I , <br />"\'hi:Jt when the streot 11Ilprovement WllS done on Glenpllul Avenue !leverell <br />'leurS ego, ~'he residents at 'the ellst end of the road'recelvedlll <br />storm sewer plus 'th0 rOlld Improvement l'lnd ,those at the IOlfer end did <br />not. HO\'le\le r, tlla I!HSSaS!lment cha&"ga on the! mprovlilmsnt WllS the sallle, <br />for everyone. <br /> <br />Peter Popovich stated thet all property wlthln'll drainage erea can <br />be assessed ! f a tl\~n0f I 'I' cen bo shown. A supp I ement. I llssessment <br />011 a former improvement can be m!lde If the Council can deterllll,n. 'I'll.' <br />en area lbellElvitted from, the Improvement, but did not pay foil" such <br />ben0flt at the tlm~. <br /> <br />Ac~I"9 Mayor Hollenhorst closed the dlscussl~n at .1" p.m. The <br />Council 1'19i"el';d to give the lIIetter further study. .Clerk Administrator <br />Stro~quht WfIlS $Ske.ll to furnish the COllncl1 Inforllllltlon regarding <br />:'>torm sewer (f Inlllnclng policies In adjOining communities. <br /> <br />9.1,1('11)$:5 TeWlIlQl"l!r.... BOWlds _ 'R~ 'kc ,11-S1 <br /> <br />P"tlll&" S. POVlovlcll, 'H~. ~ &90 BOlld Comm a 7l1ht, aJihed tho Councllthllt <br />the S'<1l&"!os:3 T0mpOf'l,r'f Bonds, hSl,led tor $I,7:!lS.OOO, &r~ due Jan. " <br />i973, bllt are cSlltlble January I, 1972 oi'! 30 deys lIotlce. Mr. Popovich <br />rev/awed his letter totlile Council, deted November 29,1971. He $!i1c1 <br />that the bond market is considerably better today than It was when <br />the Issue was sold In December 1969. The Indel< at thllt time "'.as 6.72 <br />and ~Ia$l 5.36 on November 25, 1971. He seld the market hes Improved, <br />but is ortatic. He recommended II reftmdll1g permanent definitive <br />I$Sua Gt this time In tile amollnt of $1,220,000, which should prpduce <br />e saving of over 1% for the Village. The Council discussed with <br />Mr. Popovich sllch Items liS length of Issue, total amount ofboncls to <br />be $otd and our bond rating In the pest. Treasurer O'Kelly recom- <br />mende~ that we r~*!nanc6 the issue now. <br /> <br />AftiSr discussion, the follOWing determinations were made: <br /> <br />(I) $1,220,000 bon~s be sold December 16, i~71 at 8:00 p.m. <br />at the Village Hall, <br /> <br />I <br />(21 The bonds be 51! read ove r 20 years, trOIll 1972 to 1992" <br /> <br />(:3) 101::l'/" Water Bmprovelllents 70-1 /lnd 71-1 end Sanlhry Sewer 16 <br />be paid by borrowing from existing funds. .ndb. financed <br />lit a future bond sale. <br /> <br />(4) That a neu bond rating not be requested at this time. <br />. '.' " '--... <br /> <br />~jotl(l" 1;1&$ made by HQnderson. s@colHled by HerriCk, that RU9luflon <br />No. ~$1. provld!~9 for Public Saie of $1,220,000 Improvement <br />BOfHl:; on Oeci!l~,ber HL 1971 at 8:00 p.m, ai" th@ ~rden HI i Is VI Hlllge <br />H~it. b$ GPprovad; ~otioo carried ~nanlm9~sly. <br /> <br />REPORT Of V i llAGE,P.TTORi'~EY VI NCEWi P. COURTNEY <br />"'~........--..~- ~- <br /> <br />Wct0r~~in Ea~6rnQn~ Gau~22 <br />_.~--~--:-._...----.._--~-~~-- <br /> <br />Mt\,. CClirtell!tV /"@[:lOt".'fJd that ,Atty. JO$. Sll,! ~aWld has bur; llelioti!H'I~i/ <br />t41th HcwardSc:hl.litz tor" wevl!ll"malll 0eseljJ,9~t to cross11ils property <br />e't :'iH\O Now BrlgtdpJi Road.. Mo.rthwl8stern SAlt I T'lltlllj)honlll Co. '11111'11"1$ to <br />,\Jill cHI I.lIH!~ rgrolll1 d q;b!:;; Qn ollr p ropOSiiiH~ e<lS0lilSnt. The Coune: II / <br />"""";;:.r th.. ""+11#" tQ +'l"' III 1 III,e fiR~llI~u 'Fl_ At+~.!,1tr ^-.....,ft1 <br />tn'lilt tllst anv lld(ll'tloflEd loga! fees or o1"hil1lr fees relating toO <br />til<<l ra'.jllut be boL"i'll.\ by Ncrth\>iuhrll 13.11 T%i'epl1one Co.... ~ <br />;t'W~~' '. " . <br /> <br />& <br /> <br />,itj,f <br />