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<br />," <br /> <br /> <br />Vi~lago Council Minutes <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />Nov. 29, <br /> <br /> <br />~; <br /> <br />Excavafln~Ordinnnce <br /> <br />Motion \HIS made by Herrick, secollded by Ohnen, that AN' ORCIN <br />THE PURPOSE Of PROMOTING PUBLIC ~EAlrH~ SAfETY ORDER CONY N <br />AND GENERAl WELFARE BY REGUI,AflNG TI-IE REMOVAL. DISPOSITION A <br />NATURAl EARTH MATERIALS IN THE VillAGE OF ARDEN HILLS, be Intl"o<Iue.d <br />b'f title and referred to the Plelmlng CommISsion; 1II0tlon carried <br />unanimously. ' <br /> <br />Penalty for Late Utility Payments <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney was asked to determine whether 0,. nOt tile VllJagl!!cen <br />usellS II pella I '1''1 f~r) ate ut III ty payments I n add I t I on to tile '8$ <br />InterGst charge tll~elldy Inchldod In Ordlnence No,S. 141 and 119., <br /> <br />StreGt Dedications <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Grey Fox Road and OurilaD Street <br /> <br />Atty. Courtnoy reviewed I\'tty. lYlldon's title exemlnl.ltlon of Dunhp <br />Str<!l$t alld of GreyFolC Road, 8xplalnlng that 50ft of the totel <br />60 ft width of Grey FlOx Hoed Is reeef'dsd to. the State of Minnesota <br />I nstea<l of to Roberts PropertiGs. He reported that Roberts' otto r... ey , <br />Mr.DDuIHlIII'f, Is to obhln a quit cValm deed fO'r that p,ortlon from the <br />Stste of Minnesota. Atty. Courtney reported that he Is reedy to <br />recommend that OunlepStreet be accepted nOlll. The Matter wes teUed <br />until the deed ~etter Is taken core 0' for Grey fox ROl.ld. <br /> <br />Clerk Admlnlstretor Stromquist ".florted thet Mr. Cliff Lund calted <br />the "I II 8ge 1'10 comp Ie In of lack of snowp I (;)\tlng of the t'Wo i ndulI,trl al <br />str0<!lt this season. The Cocncllesked that Roberts Properties b. <br />notified that they should hire their plowing from a prlyate concern <br />untl! tite streets ere dedicated to the VI I Dage. ' <br /> <br />James Circle, Norme Circle llnd Gale Circle <br /> <br />The Council discussed the difficulty of trying to plow the above <br /> <br />listed un5urfaced streeh~"tk.~11N~ f...J~~ M(.I~,tA~ ;l~ <br /> <br />Councilmen Ollll8n determlrled that-,fames Circle w()uldbe plowed." . ':i1]:~," <br />S8850il by th@ Vlllege, because, cllle to theVIHage,watel'" project. we '0 <br />delayed 'the sllrfacing plllnnocl by Mr. James Johnson. ',C <br /> <br />Tite Council dofermlned thet Ga~eClrcle end Norma Circle would ,not <br />be plowod llnd maintained until they ere surfaced to Vlllege specifi- <br />cations. <br /> <br />~j. <br /> <br />U(j!lOl"'Ucense Renewals <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney reviewed Atty. Lyndon's letter. doted Noyember 29, 1971, <br />Which o~tllned SOflll!! corrections to be Illade In t,tJe 1972 licenseeI'll 11- <br />ention!;. <br /> <br />Mot I on was made by Hendorson , seconded by, Olmsn. that the below II sted <br />liquor II censes tor 1972 be appr~ved. subject to the changes listed <br />InAtty~ Lyndonls letter, and subJ~ct to epproY~1 by the Po~1c&end <br />FlrG Departments. <br /> <br />~. <br />~ . <br /> <br />License No. <br /> <br />Establishment & Address <br />- <br /> <br />Type of License <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />McGulr'e's Oivlslol1. !DC InnsI' Iflc. <br />1,2011185t County Roed E <br /> <br />On SeVe Llqllor <br />Off Sale LI quor <br />SundlilY On, ,SF! i. <br />llquor <br /> <br />4, <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Big Tan Supper C~ub, ine; <br /> <br />On Sa I e, .l.Jquor <br />Off Sal III liquor <br />Sunday On Sel. <br />L! qUOi" <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />" <br />