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<br />. ;.;.:,;. <br /> <br />... ..', ~ <br /> <br /> <br />)~. <br /> <br />Village Council Minutes <br /> <br />NeW. 29 .~'t'f <br /> <br />-7- <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR LORRA!NE,STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Land Use Semlnlllr <br /> <br />Mrs. Stromquist reported a seminar to be held by the Minn..ota HOU5- <br />Inglnstltute tlt'ed "Voices" on Wednesday. December I. 1971 at 7.00 <br />p.m. at tho Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Councilman Hollenhorst <br />voll.ln1'eared to a1'tend. Clerk Administrator 10185 asked to contact JerOlM <br />Wasley regarding the meeting. <br /> <br />CSIiStiS <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I~rs. Stromqu 1st reported 1I te I ephQne clIlI rece I ved from thee.nsu. <br />l3urS81l at Washington. D.C.. stating that a revision has been IIl11lde <br />In the 1970 census count for Arden HI I Is, bringing the tottll p(ipula", <br />tlon up to 5.149. The count Is to be officially certified totte <br />Secretary of State Immediately. <br /> <br />Payroll <br /> <br />The Council referr'lldemployee overtlms pay to Mayor Crepeau. <br /> <br />Motion "as made by Henderson. seconded by Herrick. that the payroli <br />be approllcul ii1l$ presented; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />AdJournment <br /> <br />Tho meeting was adjourned at I~:25 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Notleo of Ne~t MeGtln~ <br /> <br />The newt regular COline I i IIIQElting wi! I be held Monday. DeceMber I'.. <br />1971 at 8:00 p.m. at the VI!lage Hall. <br /> <br />]i <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />;C,,,., <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.'4'; . <br /> <br />';'0; <br /> <br />i.' <br /> <br />i"i..' <br /> <br />'I: <br /> <br />,:: <br /> <br />